I haven't given you much of interest lately. And my blog roll just makes me feel guilty. My two year anniversary is coming up in December or January, I can't remember anymore.
I've been talking about my novel forever it seems, and now it's time to get serious. I can't write here and keep focused on the story. I've disassembled a linear first person narrative story and now I have to figure out how to write it anew in a more interesting way. I have to sneak up on you with this story or it's just too awful, relentlessly painful. I insist on keeping the major events intact, but they will be revealed in a present time, mostly in Santa Barbara. See, I can't even write a decent placeholder.
And to be honest watching my numbers climb on twitter while they dwindle here is not a great incentive to be prolific here. I like the immediacy of the conversation on twitter. I like seeing you there and discovering a new you that I never saw in your blogging. I'm not dismantling Utah Savage, but I am going to be posting less frequently.
I've found lots of agents on twitter and some of them are on my blog roll. I've found publications that are having contests or are asking for submissions from poetry to the novella. I need to focus my attention there and start getting serious. I'm old and time might be running out.
I've moved most of my writing to this place, relearned to write here, on blogger. So I'll keep writing here, but mostly on the fiction for now. Feel free to look in and see whether I'm making a story better or worse. And if you want to start a conversation leave a comment here or find me on twitter. It was fun while it lasted.
Some Postprandial Stupid?
2 hours ago
I can understand you needing more immediate attention for your ideas and work and you can't be everywhere at once. I've never even tried to blog daily since work and painting take so much time - never mind the time it takes to visit and comment rationally.
Twittering is out of the question for me but I'll drop by here from time to time to see if you've posted. I wish you well and much success, Utah. Your work deserves to be recognized by a large audience.
All the best.
Ooohhhh yummy!!! I'm gearing up for NaNoWriMo beginning at midnight on Oct 31st again this year. I think I have to finish telling the story I began writing last year before I can start anything new. come see me! "auntiethorne". It's time.
I've got to admit the thought of calling it quits has occured to me more than once. I started blogging on my last job which was the 11;00pm to 7:00am shift. I was esentially alone with complete access to the internet and a lot of time to think.
Now in that weird, depressing way I'm back on that same shift at my current but without the solitude I had at my last job. At home my free time is even more taken with family stuff with the children that never seems to end and my wife developing an attitude, again, thinking that I enjoy working the graveyard shift.
When I can write I have seen a steady decline in the "quality" of my stuff and it has become rather frustrating.
Don't really know what I will do.
We only have so much time. Use yours however you want. Priorities change. Good luck with the novel.
What they all said.. You go girl... (I don't twitter, though, so I'll continue to lurk here, if that's ok....) Best.
I know the feeling....
As I don't have the time or energy to keep up Twitter and my blog and my book and other stuff I need to do, for me it is Twitter that I give up. That said, I love your blog and hope after some time you decide to keep up the blog.
You make twitter sound so inviting. I may have to try it after we finish building our house and move in January. Until then, no time to twitter or blog. Too many whips to crack!
I can't get into Twitter that much but will follow you there - how do I find you? I'm Mauigirl52 of course...
Also I'm on Facebook, as Mimi Peizer Michalski, my real name - if you're there please friend me.
In the meantime I'll enjoy your fiction here!
Found you on Twitter, forgot you had it posted on your blog sidebar. Am following now!
DK, I'll look forward to your appearance on twitter. If you follow the people I retweet (RT) you can't go wrong. They will lead you to other people you like and so it goes. Somebody new to twitter asked another person "How do you get started?" and the answer was "Say something interesting."
Mauigirl I look forward to seeing you on the twitter.
I know what you mean about the immediacy thing. I've been on FB doing the same essential thing.
After reading about Lisa's (You know Lisa Golden, right?) mishap with Google and four years of her writing going up in a poof of smoke I want to beg you to down load your archives to something you have control over!
I just don't trust google/blogger to save anything of worth for you.
NFH, thanks for your concern about back-up, but I have an external hard drive that's got it all.
You lazy bum. I mean, good luck.
Is not!!!!
Write when ya can.
I don't twitter.... don't plan on twittering any time soon.
See ya in the blogosphere when you circle round.
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