Dr Bodely has been my pet's Vet for 15 years or more. I think I was the last client he took, and I'm so grateful for him. He's seen me through the death of two dogs and one cat.
Now I have crazy old Cyrus, my 170 pound Rottie/Mastif mix with agoraphobia and blown knees, and a tendancy to get abscesses. Cyrus was shell shocked when I got him two and a half years ago. He'd spent nine years in the hands of a animal hoarder who called herself a shelter. She was alone with her 180+ animals in the desert outside of Tuscon, with no help and then she died. No one knows how long her animals went unattended, but by the time someone found her, the animals were in extreme distress. Cyrus appeared to have never seen a Vet. Best Friends took all the animals they could save, got them medical care and then started trying to find homes for them.
Cyrus has a double layered dog bed beside my bed. He never moves from there except to be coaxed out three times a day to pee and poo. Loud noises terrify him, so during those times of the year idiots are setting off fireworks, I can only get him out only once a day. The guy has great bladder/bowel control. He's a sweet soul and I love him madly, but getting him to a Vet Hospital is impossible. He out-weighs me by thirty pounds and if he doesn't want to go out, he won't budge. So whatever medical care Cyrus gets, he gets at home. When we can no longer treat him at home, it will be time to euthanize him. So I worry that these recurring abscesses are the beginning of the end. I'm praying to the God I don't believe in that Cryus survives the holidays.
You are such a good, caring person, Utah.
May all the omnipotent flying wizards bless you and yours.
Hope your T'giving was somewhat relaxing. You deserve a break.
Poor Cyrus. :(
I hope that this clears up and that he has many happy days still ahead of him.
He is so very lucky to have found someone as caring as you are to look after him.
Thinking good thoughts for Big old Cyrus!
To Utah: I too hope this clears up.
To Cyrus: "Whoooo's a cute doggie? You're a cute doggie. Yes, you are!"
I hope that lifts his spirits. :)
Aw, shoot. I'm going to keep a good thought for your friend Cyrus.
Utah Savage,
You're a good person, Cyrus is lucky to have you.
I just had one of our cats,Romeo Marie (a story there)put to sleep after 14 years,she had cancer.It was the right time right to the day,I truly think.It was hard and I kept crying even though I'm a guy and those of us who are for real still have to put up a front.
I hope Cyrus has many more years of your care.
Thank you all. I'm nice to dogs, lovely to cats, but I have a hard time sharing my house with a human.
Cyrus still has an apatite, gets up to guzzle water. Shows great interest if any word is uttered that sounds like treat or eat or hungry or dinner, so I think we're a ways from death. We're doing it one day at a time. As long as he can hobble out to pee and poo, eats his dinner and smiles at me with such interest and trust, we're Okay.
Have you worked with homeopathic remedies to assist him with his phobic nature? Or general fear? Flower essences work wonders with animals! Bach's Rescue Remedy, a few drops in his water bowl and a couple of drops on his head. It could help amazingly... or be innocuous. I know they've helped my pets. And of course, I work with them in my professional life... there are also flower essences designed especially for dogs. I can't remember and can't find them online right now... but I won't forget and will try to get the company name to you. I don't know where you live...Salt Lake? I do know there is a Whole Foods (much as I am boycotting them personally... they do have 'the stuff') carries Bach Flower Essence Remedies. They do help. I'm keeping you both in my prayers. :-) also... a little lavender oil couldn't hurt either....
Big Cyrus looks like such a sweetie. I don't believe in god but I do believe in the power of collective, positive thinking. If I had a loved one (man or beast) that is ill, I would contact the network over at Mad Priest's place.
Best get-well wishes for Cyrus. And a poochie smooch from me.
Thinking of you
I can seriously relate as I am dealing with a cat and an abscess at the moment myself. Hope Cyrus pulls through this.
Hoping that Cyrus is on the mend!
Yep, me too...hope Cyrus gets well soon. Hope your Thanksgiving was otherwise nice. Been thinking of you....
Ugh. Best wishes to Cyrus.
i'm sending good healing thoughts.
what a sweet soul he has.
you too.
just a thought ... since it's around nose and mouth ... are there any strange plants etc he could be shoving his face into?
hope this round of antibiotics clears him up. beyond the antib's, isn't there an ointment the vet has to soothe the area & maybe keep him from licking it?
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