Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Little Xmas Message For Utah


Here Be Monsters, again. said...

Hoping the bartenders are on call in Utah... geeze. She's kinda freaky scary... where do u find it, Utah? LOL Merry Christmas to you!

Utah Savage said...

Gwnedolyn, She's one of the many goodies I find on Twitter. I like her so much I subscribed.

Merry merry, happy happy to you too.

Here Be Monsters, again. said...

Peggy, so you know to look, I was told my outgoing packages yesterday would not actually flow outward until tuesday... so look close to new year for UPS...for you and pooch, from a blender!

Utah Savage said...

Thank you. I'll stay on the look out.

gfid said...

since you're such a rebel, dear savage, i'm wishing you a HAPPY christmas, and a MERRY new year. and many, many good things in 2010.