I'm sorry, but it made me laugh. It's been a hard couple of weeks. Leave your insults in the comment box. I got called a cunt by a good Christian woman last night on twitter in front of 15,000 of my closest friends. And for half an hour or more she flung invective at me. Granted, I was asking for it. But when her last insult was "Jesus loves you, but you're still an asshole," I knew I'd hit the all time low or the motherload, depending on your point of view. Then this dropped into my twitter stream...
Some Postprandial Stupid?
1 hour ago
Oh jeez not another variation on this clip. Hitler's ashes must be rolling over in some underground Russian archive.
Did you call her a cunt back?
No, She called me a cunt because I asked who the redneck was whose lap she was sitting on. It was like a cat fight in a bar. She insisted I apologize for calling him a redneck and I refused saying he might find it condescending that she was so fiercely defending him when even he knew he was a redneck in his cowboy hat and matching boots. And we were off to the races. Her parting shot brought the house down.
As doctored videos go, this may be the best of the best, at least that I've seen.
And since "cunt" is high praise from any honest hetero man or lesbian woman, I can't imagine how it could be construed as an insult, except by closeted gays or self-loathing women.
I love cunt.
Am I revealing too much?
As doctored videos go, this may be the best of the best, at least that I've seen.
And since "cunt" is high praise from any honest hetero man or lesbian woman, I can't imagine how it could be construed as an insult, except by closeted gays or self-loathing women.
I love cunt.
Am I revealing too much?
Pardon my stutter. ;)
I love a cunt who stutters.
I'm sorry but these never get old Randal. :P
"Poor Ted Kennedy must be drinking in his grave"... Loved it!
Sounds like you were talking to one of the "good christians". :D They are hard to spot but I'd say she was one of them.
I'm sure she's praying for you today. Because she's so much better... *eye roll*
Sounds like you gave as good as you got so ..I'm proud of you. :D
I don't care how variations on this clip there are -- they've all been funny.
And you're making Twitter sound downright tempting.
I'm sorry to say that I missed the cat fight - but twitter is entertaining and gives better headlines and video clips than facebook, for sure.
I love it that there is a fellow in the world who calls me the Cunt from Hell just because I poured my ice water into his lap in a restaurant. He deserved it, though, because when somebody asked him what kind of M&A he did, he answered Models and Actresses.
Yes, I had been drinking.
In case you don't know, Tricia and PENolan are one in the same. I didn't realize I was on the other google id.
Time for coffee!
This is the first Hilter clip I've watched and I have to admit it is funny. Do you think it would help if he went down on Snowe and Collins?????
An idiot's outrage is our glory.
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