I have this odd feeling of Deja vu today. I'm getting ready to start thinking about cleaning house and finally getting organized. I do this thinking thing often and don't make much progress, so perhaps the sensation I feel seems so like a real experience, but is merely the repetition of one more day of procrastination. I did make a bit of progress yesterday. I purged my paper files from my too-huge four-drawer file cabinet that stands hulking at the back of my walk-in closet. That resulted in a trash bag full of paper with either my name and address on it, or my social security number and/or medical information. Then, whilel I was watching The Daily Show and Colbert, I separated my name from those papers. Now I have two piles of papers to dispose of: those with no identifying markers and those with. I'll toss the one bag in the recycle bin and shred the other. So far, so good. It did amaze me to find Vet records (for my long dead cat) from my days in Santa Barbara with my Cliff Drive address on them. And it also amazes me to realize that it's still hard to part with evidence that I once lived on Cliff Drive in Santa Barbara. I wish I still did. Salt Lake is not my favorite place, especially this time of year.
My plan is to go through all the crowded storage areas in my tiny cottage. This means getting rid of old crap so I can make room for my favorite crap, thus making it appear I have less crap, since it will now be in storage spaces and out of sight. This is how I unclutter my space. I know it's just an illusion, but I think I'll feel better once it's done. I live in a space that's only 450 sq feet and I have five stuffed book cases taking up a lot of room. That will never change, but I need to weed out the books I'm not likely to reread and iether move them to the big house or take them to the book exchange for future credits. That way I can take the books in baskets scattered around the floor space and put them in book cases. I think this is a version or robbing Peter to pay Paul. I'm fully aware that this phenomonon is in operation throughout my life. Paul is happy but Peter is about to start squawking.
I should take pictures of this process, but it's a little embarrassing to put my clutter on full display. So I'll just leave you with this little gem ~ my bookcases. Soon, I'll take you in the closet with me.
Some Postprandial Stupid?
1 hour ago
i like your bookcases and your little cottage a lot.
your bookcases are neat and orderly compared to mine..they are stacked in 2 deep rows on most shelves..i have 7 book cases and there are 10 bookcases worth of books in them.
Is that what a home is supposed to look like? I can't remember because I have not seen one that had stuff organized in years?
Our bookshelves have toys and junk on them and books are all over the floor in front of them most of the time. The kids seem to prefer it that way...
At least, that is how they arrange them every time we try to put the books back in place?
I'm so compulsive about books I have them categorized and shelved like a library. This must be the curse of a frustrated librarian.
I love cleaning out clutter! If I lived closer I'd come do it for you. :) It's all good feng shui, as they say, to get rid of the stuff clogging up space to make room for new stuff to clog up your space. :)
Hi - in answer to your question, I buy all my clothes second-hand or from vintage stores, so I'm afraid they're not available anywhere else. I'm sure you'll be able to find something similar if you look around your local vintage clothing stores.
E, you must have been able to hear the longing in my voice at seeing your site. It always has thrilled me to see you at my place. I so wish we were neighbors.
Acoic, I always shop thrift stores, but sadly Salt Lake probably isn't as hip as your area. I always look for hats since I love them, but no such luck here. Thanks for responding to my plea for hat help.
Oh man! I could write a book about all the unpurged files and bursting bookcases in my bungling bungalow! I am agog with admiration for you for tackling these tedious tasks.
Nice alliteration Madame Z. And why aren't you tweeting may I ask? I'm shocked at how few of my blogging friends have taken to it. It took me like an instant addiction. I now have close to 1,500 followers. And lots of them are journalists and politicians. It's a very interesting place.
That house cleaning work is never done is it ;~)
It was good to see you over at my blog. Seems like blogging is dying which makes me sad. (Not to say that there aren't some fabulous blogs out there.)
Lib, I think so many bloggers are tired. Writing a blog everyday and making all the visits to all our favorite bloggers (you have always been in my top 10) is very time consuming. And now that twitter has come along, those of us who like it/get it, find the real time interaction with a big following is pretty compelling. Now my blog posts are often written with the tweeters in mind and get linked there when I have something to say that needs a good deal more than 140 characters.
I live in the Salt Lake area as well and I agree, the air sucks. Please do tell, where is the book exchange?
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