My new tenants arrive tomorrow. Since the first of Feb is Monday, I'm letting the new kids move in early, so today Ms M and I cleaned the house she's lived in for the past five years. It was the hardest physical work I've done in ages. We moved furniture (the house is mostly furnished) cleaned almost all the blinds (that took a long time and is a tedious job). We washed windows, cleaned floors, scrubbed the bathroom and all the hard stuff in the kitchen. My hands are like sandpaper and my back aches but I'm glad the house is ready for the new kids.
The new kids are both writers. She's getting her PhD in creative writing and is a poet. He's a playwright and will get an MFA. They met in Americorps. How adorable is that? They both have jobs in different parts of Social Services network. They love our handsome President and don't give me a blank stare when I talk politics. That's pretty damn adorable. Can you tell? I like the new kids. They have two dogs, one small (pug mix) one medium (an Ossie mix) whose names are Olive and BeaBea. Isn't that sweet?
So tomorrow at noon begins a new chapter in the life of this property; my big house gets a new family. And Roscoe gets dropped off Sunday when his mama goes to work. We're working out the details of an adoption to make both their lives easier. Even that's adorable.
Some Postprandial Stupid?
1 hour ago
Damn you're perky.... what you been smoking?
Fran, I'm so fucking tired and sore I bet I'm crippled tomorrow. But I am very happy that two writers are moving into my house and that Marly will have two other dogs to play with. And I've just been smoking the usual stuff.
Nah I'm just kidding-- so glad you found renters you can really relate with & you share a love of writing & dogs. The financial crunch is off & you found cool people to share the property with.
Woo Hoo! Happy times are here again!
Besides hurting like hell from all the work.
Why does life play these cruel tricks???
I am very happy for your new tenants!! Writers... and maybe, if you're lucky....editors?????
It seems to me that it was remarkably easy for you to get your place occupado again, no? Congratulations. I sure hope all proceeds swimmingly!!!!!
Hi Utah-
Wonderful news. It all sounds like a perfect blend - dogs and humans alike. :-) I love how you 'bounce-back'. Despite the joy with our new puppy 'Gracey-Blue' I have been in a frump since 1/2 - my sister had a heart attack and had to have two stints put in. The whole thing is so undettling. sigh.........enough rambling.
Later love
peace and all that jazz
Giggles, one can hope for a captive editor can't one? I'm more hoping for agent contacts. She's doing a book a poetry for her PhD dissertation. I'm so glad poetry isn't my only writing outlet because poets rarely make any money, but novelists sometimes do.
Gail, I'm so sorry about your sister. That must make you feel so helpless and potentially very fragile. I hope she heals quickly and makes a full recovery. My fear is that I'll have a stroke that doesn't kill me.
Hi Utah-
Ya, she is better - scared though as am I. I understand the stroke fear too. I usually don't stay in fear - but as I shift I am dragging it along. eeeewwwww
This too shall pass.....
Love to you
p.s. Dolan, my son got published in a2 magazines - "Arm Chair Shotgun", and "The Lifted Brow".
Pretty adorable alright! The dogs are even perfect. Enjoy each other and enjoy the conversation. As we ships pass in the night, it's nice to stop, light the lanterns, jump across to the other deck... and enjoy some tea or whisky - and conversation.
Gary, how nice to see you again. I've been focusing so much of finishing a novel I've stopped visiting very many of my blogging friends and so as time goes on they've stopped visiting me. But I think of all of you often. I've also been captivated by the huge world of twitter.
Hmmm...they're both writers and they have two dogs. This does not bode well for the continued cleanliness of the house. But for now, everything is adorable and I'm happy for you.
Madame Z, I did think of that too, but little Ms M who was very tidy, but turns out she doesn't seem to know the oven needs cleaning and so does the fridge. What a shock. Tidiness can hide a multitude of sins. The house was built in th late 1800s and has been rode hard and put away wet too many times for it to matter much. But the interior is painted in Ralph Lauren suede or linen in every room. It would not have faired well with little children. So the little dogs don't bother me. My little dog needs playmates. I'm giddy with pleasure that finally people who really get me, the writer me, the fast talking smart mouthed me, the interesting old broad. Ms M was mostly embarrassed by me when anyone else was around. I know she loved me, in her tightly held way, but my exuberance embarrassed her.
Those pesky youth will drive you nuts with their starry-eyed socialist claptrap and hippieish bathing habits faster than you can say, 'Gobbledegook, motherf*cker!'...Just you wait, Utah.
It's been a while since I've been by to visit but I think of you often. You may be tired and worn out - only natural after all the cleaning - but I'm glad to find you well. Happy New Year if I didn't say so before :-)
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