The State Of The Union address last night was the best political speech in my memory. We've all become used to great speeches from President Obama, so I'm sure there will be a lot of "Ho-hum, so what. Yes, he can give a good speech, but we're still fucked." Well, yes we are, but whose fault is that? Not his. If you're a Republican, look in the mirror. If you voted for George W Bush you can thank yourself for our current wows. It will probably take a generation to fix the mess we're in. But with this smart, thoughtful, amazingly good natured and horribly burdened man at the helm, we may begin to dig our way out of this very deep hole.
Seems that every big speech now comes with some right wing asshat shouting or mouthing something revoltingly stupid. Who knew the Justices of the Supreme Court needed to get the memo that that sort of thing just isn't done in a State Of The Union Address? Samuel Alito is the latest moron to break with the tradition of respectul behavior at these speeches, mouthing the words "Not True," when the President was speaking about the danger inherent in the latest SCOTUS ruling granting corporations the same rights as individuals. Apparently if the POTUS is African American the rules of decorum don't apply for the Italian American Justices of SCOTUS.
Some Postprandial Stupid?
1 hour ago
Republicans like to have village idiots in all their governmental posts. Alito is a prime example. The moron probably doesn't even understand the full ramifications of the SCOTUS decision on Corporate spending. Or, if they do, they are all about a different America... a Fascist America dominated by Corporate Plutocracy.
Ghost, God I'm glad to have you back.
I thought the speech was inspiring and I loved that he pointed fingers where fingers needed pointing.
I couldn't watch the speech last night, but it's recorded, and hopefully I'll get a chance to watch it. I'm glad you liked it. I was almost scared to pay attention to the news today just in case there was a tempestuous teapot full of blatherings about it.
good speech. knocked the cynicism right outa me... temporarily.
I watched basketball. At least there the scores change from game to game.
Ms Tart, I too thought it was an inspiring speech and loved the pointed references to the obstructionists. I also loved that he talked about ..."We all hated the Bank Bailout." It got a laugh and still the asshats on the right couldn't get their thumbs out of their butts to clap.
Phoebe, I miss seeing your Viking hat on twitter, but I'm thrilled to see it here. You always were one of my favorites.
Puddy, welcome to my place. I hope you show up often, since saying Puddy makes me smile. And don't go all cynical on us or you'll end up like Randal, happily married and writing romantic prose with an uhappy ending where the beautiful dame everybody loves gets herpes and dies.
Randal you bastard, can't you Tivo the game and watch your President school the Senate and the Supremes?
how true..i was so pissed at that little wennie last night...they should fire the bunch of them.
The President just SPANKED THE HELL the hell out of the conservative side of SCOTUS... great post, Utah.
GHOST!Nice to see you in the neighborhood! Liked ur rip up there. (in the column) :-)
alito is a spoiled little mama's boy- i grew up with a ton of them.
he and scalia embarass me.
I love saying this: "SCOTUS screwed us."
Granny, good to see you. It was a hell of a speech!
Gwendolyn, He did spank them. Made me so happy.
Sherry, I hadn't thought of that type as the "momma's boys, but now that you said it it makes perfect sense. The belief in their own superiority and sense of entitlement. Bullies in the making. Little thugs ruling mamma.
Giggles, SCOTUS did indeed screw us and it will take a long time to undo it. We'll be walking funny for decades.
Alito has always come down on the side of corporations, why would he change now??? Ditto for Roberts.
Kulkuri, I think that's why Obama voted against him in confirmation hearings, no?
Great speech - and totally agree about Alito.
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