Heading up the stairs to the bedrooms. I have my trusty companion Roscoe, the guard dog extraordinaire. This used to be his house. For five years he spent his nights in one bedroom and then the other.
Some Postprandial Stupid?
1 hour ago
The whole place looks grand~! Just grand! I hope you have found great new tenants. That your troubles settle out and that
oil stops spilling into the Gulf... well, I add it onto all my prayers now. Nice job Peggy. You must be tired but pleased.
very very nice!
Looks like pages out of Better Homes & Gardens. Now you can go sleep for a week!
Beautiful place, Utah. And a job well done.
It really looks great! Your tenants should be delighted.
You women are the best! The boys are moving in as we speak. And the kids across the street are clearing the wood pile from beside the house and putting it on the curb for neighborhood clean-up. In a week the city crews will come by, scoop up all our unwanted crap and haul it off to the dump or the composting plant. All in all it's a very good day. But I'm so tired. Every time I stop moving I start to fall asleep.
I've just been looking at the pictures and it's a very beautiful house in its clean and gloriously painted prime of life. Very nice job. I hope the boys treat her well.
Looking good!
The boys arrived with their Uhaul truck and unloaded. They were very complimentary about the new kitchen and how spotless the house is. At 6:00 people started arriving and the boys had a full-on house-warming party. They put the antique gas grill to use and cooked all kinds of good things; kabobs, steak, chicken. I was invited, introduced around. Roscoe was barky at first but settled down. Marly was the most popular girl there. I declined the invite to eat with them, just wanted to make sure the dogs would behave and not walk out the gate as someone was coming in. But my dogs are smart dogs. Now we're all exhausted. The dogs and I are ready for a good sleep and the boys look to be partied out and putting things away.
I told them when we first agreed that they would get to rent the house that I'd love to know that the yard was being enjoyed and that parties make the place seem alive, but that I'm all partied out. I don't want them to feel they have to invite me. There need to be boundaries between landlady and tenants or it can get a bit squirrelly. I have REAL squirrel problems. I don't need the metaphorical kind.
You have wrought miracles in the house, and true to Your Nature, left Beauty in Your wake. Congratulations on a job superbly done, with integrity and quality. Gosh, I wish I had been there to participate! You've certainly earned Your rest, and a party. Love to You, Sweet Pegasus!
Looking good!!
Just beautiful. Roscoe too.
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