We've had a series of intense winds and rain storms. Wednesday morning when Marly and I went out during a break in the storms we discovered a baby Western Tanager on the walkway. Marly was very respectful of this baby. She did a very good imitation of a Pointer, just looking at it very intently. She didn't bark or growl or poke it with her nose. We watched it for a moment and then I took Marly in, grabbed my camera, and took a series of photos in quick succession. When we first looked at it, it's head was up, but as I was snapping pictures its head drooped and it's wings began to look less useful. I hoped if we left it alone, mom or pop would come to the rescue. Next time we went out it was on its side and seemed to be rapidly dying. Today I'll bury this baby. I'm hoping that since Western Tanagers lay from one to five eggs, there will be surviving fledgelings. This baby looked big enough to fly. It's wings were very sturdy looking. I can't imagine what brought it down. Yes, there were winds and yes, there was rain. But somehow I can't imagine that sturdy little bird getting downed by wind and rain. I'll bury it today. I think it's a boy and would have grown to look like its magnificent daddy.

Aw....rest in peace, baby bird.
You have a good heart ... that was a very kind act, to bury this baby bird.
Ah, the poor little guy. I hate to see something like that happen. This life thing can be so damned tricky.
he did look developed enough to fly. might have hit a window or something on his first attempt. poor guy.
BTW for the future, if you know where the nest is and have a ladder that will safely reach it, you can put the baby bird back in the nest. it's a myth that the mama bird will kick it out if it smells of human. a wildlife rescue guy told me that if birds are building nests around your home, they are already familiar with your smell. use clean cotton gloves to handle the baby, put it in a shoe box and carry it up to the nest. worth a try, if you can safely reach the nest.
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