We, like many municipalities, are in a money crunch. We're cutting programs for kids. The arts are going, parks programs are cut, sports programs for kids are cut, and so, in an effort to keep some of those programs the Sugarhouse Fireworks display was cut. To me this is a very sensible solution to saving money. What is a fireworks display but the literal burning of money in a very ostentatious way, with a lot of noise and a certain amount of risk of life and limb to the idiots blowing things up. "... it costs more than pocket change to put on the show: $55,000 to be exact" according to the article in the Salt Lake Tribune. So some idiot with more money than brains began a private effort to raise the money to put on the blowing shit up program in Sugarhouse Park. And it was wildly successful. So, fine. We can raise the money to blow shit up, but we can't afford a summer arts program. This private effort to raise funds is laudable. But if we, the citizens who feel so burdened by taxes can raise money for fireworks, why can't we do the same for our public schools, or summer programs for kids from poor families?
I have many reasons for hating fireworks and not the least among them is the damage they do to lives of animals who are terrified by the noise. It is the glorification of "bombs bursting in air" symbolized by the sight and ground-shaking sound and smell of smoke that fireworks is all about. Surely we can find a way to celebrate the Fourth of July in less costly and dangerous ways than blowing shit up.
Some Postprandial Stupid?
1 hour ago
WORD Thank you
We have several locals here who definitely have illegal fireworks. Big booming M-80's, and ariel stuff. I wonder if one of those will be landing on my roof & burn the place to the ground?
You make a good point about the vast amount of $$ spent... just reflective of gvmnt spending on war.
Anyway..... hope you are well- I am struggling with the state of our country, and it did not help to learn the frigging gvmnt just imposed a media ban from the Coast Guard.
They let the chemical dispersant flow as much as BP wants, but shut down the media (yes even bloggers). Right here in the land of the free & freedom of the press.
Well, hell I'm going to predict that's going to land in court.
Read it & weep.
Jenny, thanks.
Fran, one of my neighbors saves his huge ariel fireworks display for the 24th of July (Mormon Holiday) and he is just across the alley from my little house. It makes my windows rattle and the ground shake. Sparks bounce off my car and off my next door neighbors garage roof. If he does it again this year, after my begging him to find another location, I'm calling the cops. All his fireworks are illegal. But he's one of the high up muckymucks in the Mormon Church so... It will be interesting to see if they do anything.
Like you, I'm sick about the suspension of freedom of speech to report on the oil damage to beaches. I'm thinking we are a wholly owned subsidiary of the oil industry.
Can I feel a little less liberal guilt since the only fireworks I'll attend were done by private funds at the ballpark?
Lisa, I hold no one responsible for fireworks unless you're hosting a huge fireworks display at your house. But the ballpark fireworks here in Salt Lake sound like their in my neighborhood and their miles away. If it hadn't been for big Cyrus, I'd never have known just how terrifying they are for dogs and since our mayor cancelled the local public displays due to cost, I'd have never known how much public money was going up in smoke. Add in the police and firemen and you have some very big taxpayer funded waste. I hate them. I love you.
Well, they are just doing the same think, on a bit smaller scare, as the US Congress. They can approve billions of dollars to blow up Afghanistan but cannot appropriate money for unemployed Americans.
It is more important to blow up shit than help people.
You know, I meant to say "...the same thing", not "the same think", but with further thought, the same think applies as well.
Boys loves to blow shit up and they always will. Sad but true. The bigger the better. Shock and awe, baby.
I have to admit I use to enjoy fireworks but now I'd just as soon as find a quiet place and listen to the crickets. My kids don't even care for fireworks.
One use for fireworks...Birth control.
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