I swear it's true, I was taking a smoke break and watching Andrea Mitchell because Rachel Maddow was on. Then not more than a few minutes later Andrea had Pat Buchanan and Bob Shrum on in order to... I don't know, maybe balance the awesome intelligence of Rachel? I tend to try not to pay too much attention to anything Pat Buchanan says, since I end up screaming at my TV machine and scaring my dog. Nothing scares the cat..
So, this is the smart thing Pat Buchanan said: "bla bla bla...the eight years of Bush were a disaster for the economy and he shipped millions off jobs to China...bla bla bla" I put those bla bla blas in there because something stupid and racist must have either preceded or followed those words or both. But I swear on my cat Bob's life that Pat Buchanan said something smart. I think I might have given several people on Twitter and Facebook a heart attack or a stroke. Several people suggested I was dreaming again.
Last time I took a nap when I woke up gay and lesbian citizens were given back their civil rights; Prop H8 was ruled Unconstitutional! At least until some fuckwad with millions of $$$$ from the Mormon Church tries to take their civil rights away again. 'Cause that's how we roll in the land of the free, and the home of the brave. I know I was really young the first time I heard the words, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,[72] that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" So here's the deal, my Creator was my heinous mother and my crazy father. It doesn't necessarily mean "God" "Unalienable Rights" means we're born with them and they can never be taken away. The word "Men" is archaic, in this sense, since women weren't considered much more than chattel at the time, but things have changed and now I can vote and own property and have all the rights and bla bla bla. And if marrying the one you love isn't in pursuit of happiness, what is? It's no guarantee of happiness. I know, I've tried it many times and failed. And I'm just sure someone is thinking some snarky thing about blow jobs or football or Jack Daniels or new shoes. But you know what I mean.
So I'm thinking, I should nap more often.
Trudeau Promises Retaliation Against US Tariffs
3 hours ago
I don't think you were dreaming as much as you were stuck in one of those post-sleep stupors where the sandman had bequeathed a bunch of gunk that trickled behind your eye, up your optic nerve and into your brain, causing hallucination.
You would think that after the billions of words that have come out of Buchannon's mouth a few would be put together in a manner that seems intelligent. It's not a miracle. It's just the odds. Give a monkey a typewriter I always say.
Must have been something in the stars because I thought Pawlenty did this:
While I was laughing my ass off I realized it was The Onion.
I have a feeling it was the result of him spending time in the same room as Rachel and Andrea. Perhaps a little intelligence osmosed. Don't worry, he'll be back to normal by now.
I figured it was just Pat having a brain fart.
The nap I took where I woke up to the news prop 8 was ruled unconstitutional was a straight up miracle and it was because of my nap that it happened just then. Call me crazy. You won't be the first.
Really? Are you sure?
I always disagree with him but was impressed when he said that.
Pat B is just a hindsight commentator. He would never have said anything bad about our terror of a president Bush when he was in office.... it's just that it's popular now to hate Bush so he jumps on the bandwagon.
Who amongst us will forget Bush's final exit-- his financial "sky is falling" speech- a veritable replay of the Iraq "imminent mushroom cloud speech", only this time it was about the financial market being destroyed.
I mean screw the small people chumps who went homeless because of subprime mortgage schemes & scams-- this was serious-- Wall Street players might not get their $500K bonus money. Something HAD to be done!!!
In his infinite wisdom, he chose a Goldman Sachs guy to lead the charge-- but felt total immunity was also needed.
All along Bush ignored the economy (busy getting his war on), & then it went away.
Hey! You put in charge a guy who has a string of business dealings gong bankrupt on his resume & this is what you get.
Well Duh Pat B. ya think Bush screwed up the economy???
Buchannon did not make statement full of wisdom, he just stated the obvious.
Now back to our regularly scheduled blah bah blah....
Fran, that was brilliant. It's a blog post in itself. And then to be followed by my Asian Bot!
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