We're now seeing a large swath of our populous yearning for the good old days when "Mean, Weak, Lazy & Stupid were traits they shared with the guy they elected. He's their kind of guy, the sort they'd enjoy having a beer with. He's actually the Teabagger King in many ways. They were the boys who couldn't get on the football team so they became the schoolyard bullies, now grown up and still loving the power the bully believes is his birthright.
When I was in high school the bullies either ended up on the police force, the military, jail or (if they were well connected enough) a secret society like Skull and Bones or just a fraternity of drunks.
Now they have their own political party funded by men who see them as the riffraff they are and who feel utterly superior to their creation while pulling the strings and bussing in the rest of the bullies so the numbers look good for the cameras. They have many PACs and "Think Tanks" and "Religious Leaders" who validate and send them talking points delivered by a nice looking woman willing to be a tool of the fascists for fame and the money that comes with fame. The words ring like a dog whistle to the bigots and fools with guns, who never felt good enough, and now feel outrageously inferior because that black man in the White House is smarter than they are, so he can't be one of them, because they are the REAL AMERICA! THIS LAND IS THEIR LAND AND GOD GAVE IT TO THEM. YOU'RE EITHER WITH THEM OR YOU'RE THE ENEMY!
Trudeau Promises Retaliation Against US Tariffs
3 hours ago
Brownshirts and Blackshirts with crosses instead of swastikas.
I am happy to be the enemy. Did you see that Palin's endorsement of Karen Handel for the GOP Gubernatorial nomination failed. Or succeeded. Depends on how you view the Tea Party, I suppose.
I admit I'm depressed today, but they're starting to scare me.
I have a minor skirmish with a Teagagger on twitter last night. I felt like a cat with a very stupid rat. But I also know that rat has weapons and feels that I and my "field nigger" president should go to mexico since we love the spics so much. He was very pissed off that "but fuckers" could marry. He was incensed that teacher's unions would get his tax money. I'm betting home-schooled.
“When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
Sinclair Lewis
David Rice said...
“When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
Or, it may be a soccer mom wrapped in dollar bills, making notes with a sharpie on her hands.
Utah, I have totally given up engaging the dumb motherfuckers in any kind of discourse...civil, or otherwise. An absolute waste of time. I assign them to spam if they email me, and I delete their comments if they comment on my blog.
JadedJ I was shocked at the stupidity and the intensity of the venom. I have blocked the creep, but my run-in with him, his fixating on me, specifically, was unsettling.
I do understand. It always takes me aback when I realize people actually believe that crap. I have an ex-high school/college friend who assaults me with inflammatory right wing, bible-thumping tripe. In the beginning, I argued with the dumb bastard, it just steeled his resolve. I am still astounded that someone with whom I was friends long ago could be so vile...and ignorant. He is now one of my spam fodder folder fools.
This is a very well written post Utah. It speaks the truth about the whole situation here in America.
I must admit, I get pissed off and want to kill the muthafuckers, then again, I have PTSD and the anger is part of the territory. I have let down my guard these days from when we were fighting the Bu$hCo administration, but don't take any sign of kindness as a sign of weakness from me.
I began to wear glasses in the 4th grade.
I had a yearlong bully in the 6th grade whose favorite form of bullying was to knock me down and steal my specs and then, when satisfied with his physical and visual superiority, would begrudgingly return them to me.
He was a right prick to me and several of my classmates.
He became a state trooper.
Here endeth the lesson.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be soft (at first)/come from people who say that they're trying to save/protect us." Anonymous
How well I know, sister.
I was married to one of them and it took 30-plus years for it to sink in that he was just a bully and that there was no real emotion for me on his side.
Thanks for saying it again, Doctor.
You've helped my healing this morning.
a secret society like Skull and Bones or just a fraternity of drunks.
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