And yet, the GOPers want to deny Muslims the right to build a Mosque in lower Manhatten. They want to make it a campaign issue in the upcoming mid-term elections. So we have an oportunity to talk about all religions. As an atheist I think they're all bunk, but I would, as a citizen of this country, defend your right to believe whatever bunk you want in the name of "God" and call it religion. I don't think any of you deserve tax exempt status just because you call the space you "worship" in a Church. But, I don't have the power or the right to deny you a status you claim as a religious organization. I don't want you building a Church in my neighborhood, but if you own the property and have the money to do it, you can build your Church Of The Christian Holy Mumbo Jumbo any place you want. But you Republicans want to deny this freedom to American Muslims. Notice that I said, "American Muslims?" How do you justify this bigotry and call yourselves Christian or American?
White people on the political right seem to have forgotten American History. This seems to me to be a failure of our education system that so many white folks graduated from High School without learning anything about the founding of this country and the establishment of our government. Tea Partiers need a remedial course in the Constitution. The Second Amendment seems to be the only Amendment that makes sense to the far right, and yet they claim liberals want to destroy the Constitution. It's a kind of mass projection to blame your opponant or competeter of that sin which you commit. If you Christians hold any document sacred, it ought to be the document that guarantees you your religious freedom. Just remember it also gives the same rights to anyone from any culture who has become a citizen of this country the right to worship in a Church of their choosing.
Verrrrry well said.
Hi Savage. Long time. xoxoxox
About sums up my feelings as well. Only I was not as polite.
Peggy, I worship you! I wish this post could be posted in every newspaper in the country. I am an atheist too, and completely agree with you, that all religions are "bunk." But Americans are supposedly free to believe in whatever bunk they wish to. The Muslim religion is no bunkier than the rest of them. And as far as the violence committed by a small minority of Muslims, it's certainly regrettable. But! It's not as though Christians are and always have been kind and peaceful. Think of the Inquisition. Think of the Crusades. Think of the KKK. Think of the abortion doctors who have been murdered. I could go on, but the adrenalin is making me uncomfortable.
Hi Teri, nice to see you. And thanks.
MRMacrum, we're on the same page I take it. I'm going to have to follow you home, because I can't imagine you less polite than I.
Madam Z, I keep wanting to school some assholes on the Constitution and the evils done in the name of Religion. I left one last rant at the evil done in the name of religion before I signed off Facebook minutes ago. But nobody who needs schooling ever stops by my place.
Actually, the original descendants of the English came to America so they would be free to practice THEIR religion to the exclusion and persecution of all others. They were Puritans, you know. Like today's Republicans.
to me it's more about property rights. Park 51 was purchased from bankrupt Burlington Coat Factory. The purchasers intend to operate a muslim community center there. They own the bldg but how it is used requires a permit. New York is in charge of issuing that permit, not a political party or a group of paranoid hate-filled bigots. I hope New York will decide this issue based on the same criteria they would demand from any one else applying for a permit in that zone ... addressing things like zoning district, parking availability, public safety, fire escapes, etc. If Park 51 satisfies all the permit requirements, it shouldn't matter if it's a house of worship or a baseketball stadium.
Religious persecution always pops up, eh? It's a darn good post. Outspoken, in the face of it and to the point. !!! good job.
I'm a Catholic and I don't care where they build their mosque.
I think only closed minded idiots take everything in The Bible literally.
I don't believe everything taught by the Catholic Church either. But it fits me so I'm satisfied.
Anyone for a beer?
kinda coincidental...
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