Thursday, December 23, 2010

This May Be the End Of My Blog As We Know It; But I'll Use this Real Estate for Something

This is as close as I can come to Holiday Spirit:


Unknown said...

I loved this. Gracias chica!!

Jerry Critter said...

Please keep in touch!

Gail said...


I hope you have peace in your heart and love around. It was/is a privilege to have shared some space in blog land with you. You are 'the 'cats meow', as the saying goes :-)

Love Gail
peace and hope for us all

Cirze said...

I'm right there with you, baby.

Did you see Walled-In Pond's latest from Rachel Maddow and Paul Krugman?

It's entitled "When the Economy Tanks, The GOPukes Win."

They screw it up.

They get the pay off.

Fear triumphs.

I'm sick of it too.

Thanks for the words.


Mauigirl said...

Hope you aren't really ending your blog but one way or another I hope we'll be in touch - there is always Facebook! (P.S. So glad Bob came home!). I wish I tweeted but I just can't get into Twitter! Happy holidays and enjoy...

Commander Zaius said...

Don't leave!

gfid said...

this is the kind of winter i like... is that Venice? magnifique! be well.