Chris Matthews, right now, is turning our presidential primary campaign into a boxing match. Every description of the most recent democratic debate is turned into some trivia drivel about boxing matches of all the late great match-ups from boxing's history. Apperantly if you don't know your boxing history you can't talk on Chris's show. Kind of leaves the female commentators knocked-out of the conversation. Kind of makes me want to say, "Screw You, Chris!" one more time. I have had a hate/hate relationship with Mr. Matthews for a long, long time.
He was on The Colbert Report the other night and nearly made my heart stop. Colbert asked him if the rumors were true about Matthews making a run for Arlen Spector's seat in the Senate. Chris got all moony and serious. His face softened like a young girls, his eyes glistened with such love, such deep adoration and reverence for......himself, I started dancing. This can only mean one thing. For at least as long as Chris is running for a Senate seat we'll will only have to endure him as a candidate. Hopefully Rachel Maddow on the new show in his time slot called Real Women, will treat him as he has treated guests past. She will ask him a question and just as he starts to speak, she will all but tell him to shut up! Then insist that he answer the question! He will open his mouth to suck in air to speak again, and she will cut him off and then ask Eugene what he thinks of Mr Matthew's inability to answer a simple, straight forward question truthfully, implying that Mr Matthews is indeed stupid and not qualified to be dog catcher.
Reminder: Turn Your Clocks Ahead Tonight!
1 hour ago
this makes me glad that I don't have a television!
tomorrow is blog for equal pay for women day and I am hoping you might post somthing about this topic. more info available at many feminist sites. I have a picture up at my blog you can steal and put on yours if interested.
Near and dear to my heart.
these newscasters (infotainment specialists) that sound like carny barkers are all very annoying..... Chris Matthews is particularly irksome.
Ghost, when are you going to fix your blog. I keep checking.
oh yeah.... my blog. i think i have to find a new place. it isn't really a matter of "fixing" it.....
the makes everybody get a password and login. i used blogger a long time ago and didn't really like it very much.....
then i used radio userland..... the blog is still there but it's a ghost blog now...... link
maybe i'll look at wordpress..... i also looked at vox......
maybe i should try blogger again...... haven't used it in years.
It would be interesting to see the tables turned on Matthews with him unable to answer a question. But given what I've heard some republican talking heads on TV say they would have a massive shit fit with him running for office. So I'll give Matthews that much credit
oh, uh should have done this days ago- linking ya
Ghostdancing, on blogging systems: As an old Google Blogger, I cast around widely when Blogger was running through it's rough period. WordPress one system I tried for some time, an I found cit could do some things Blogger couldn't. But then Google brought blogger back newer and stronger, and I have to say, for what it's worth, you won't find a Blogging engine that is both as versatile and intuitive. And, I haven't even upgraded my system to the latest standards! I couldn't go back to WordPress, mainly because I rather write than tweak.
That's it. Chris Matthews for Senate.
And I know jack about boxing history. Do I have to turn in Manly Men of Manliness membership card and secret decoder ring?
WTF? Arlen Spector is still living, breathing, talking & walking. You vultures are assigning his seats and giving away his wardrobe. Wannabee undertakers. Dems just can't wait to get their grubby hands on his silverware. Disgusting performance. All of you.
Oh my god, Petro can speak in complete sentences!
Nobody's pushing Arlen out the door, or down the steps, Petro. The man is retiring when this term runs out. actually I like Arlen better than Chris Matthews by about a mile and a half. But whatever it takes to get that ham-faced bully off my TV is fine with me.
I've been so pissed off with Chris Matthews lately I just haven't been able to watch his show.
Rachel Maddow is getting her own show? Yay !!! That is so great !!! And it's about time!!! I actually thought she would be Tucker Carlson's replacement.
Oh, and did you happen to see Chris Matthews on the Ellen DeGeneres show? When he was dancing with her and it looked like he was about to either molest her or knock her down !!!
Weird guy, that Matthews.
Oh ... one more thing.
I've always had a fondness for Arlen Spector myself. Not sure exactly what it is. Then when he got Hodgkins disease I was all worried about him.
A better solution would be for Matthews NOT to run, but be replaced by Rachael Maddow anyway.
Sorry to get anybody's hope up, it's my desire that Rachel Maddow replace Chris Matthews. Merely my best case scenario. Please forgive me for giving any of you false hope. But I can dream, can't I?
Oh. Well, I am "wishin' and a hoping'" as well that Rachel gets her own show in a prime spot. She deserves it.
Did you know she was a Rhodes Scholar after getting her degree at Stanford?
Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and Christopher Hitchens was at Oxford at the same time. Georgie Porgie Stephanopoulos was a Rhodes Scholar as well.
Ah, Dr. Rachel. Have her host Hardball, like tomcat suggests, or maybe she should run for office.
Some of my best commutes home, even the bad ones, were when I listened to her show. She's terrifically brilliant.
I almost forgot myself. We have a conservative among us Petro. Don't you know that by the time elections are over, America already starts the next one?
No, of course Specter should finish out his term. He does have a rather interesting voting record. By interesting, I mean so right wing, he fits nicely into the fascistness of this administration.
For those tracking the voting records of their state representatives can click on Project Vote Smart. The site contains Senator AND Representatives.
I know, off track again. But at least I don't have to get my hews from Hardball. Petro, I don't think you're getting the gist of these comments. Read s-l-o-w-l-y. Chris Matthews, a conservative, is running for Spector's seat. That about covers the conversation. A more acccurate comment: Matthews "can't wait to get [his] grubby hands on his silverware." If you're looking for a disgusting performance, try assessing Matthews. That's characteristic of the political arena.
Stella, 4 a lefty, Ur pretty cute!
Utah, I didn't think it would actually happen, but it was a lovely dream. :-)
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