I'm worth a lot more than I thought. Maybe I can make a living. Apparently there is a market for geezer sex. I stole this from Every Thing I Love Causes Cancer. She stole it from someone else, and so it goes. Finally something edifying.

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I don't even want to know what my worthless ass is "worth".. oh yeah, one of these days i need to ask you about paris...
anyhow. just saying BOO
Boo to you too fade, fabulous fade.
Oh shut up Petro!
How can a man look so sexy in bandages? I think it's the suit.
Harumph. "Sorry, you're worth less in bed than the average"
I think I do not like this quiz!
Phoebe, I thought it was going to tell me I would have to pay for sex. I have some value, even if it is less than average
1,056 bucks, baby! ;)
That is too funny.
$1163!! Cha Ching !!
I'm gonna go work for Eliot Spitzer.
The link doesn't work! I'm gathering it's some sort of sex work self-appraisal thing? I have to be worth at least a couple of nickels!
Randal Graves must not be smart enough to have sex. He'd have to pay for it.
E, I'm worth $995. Maybe we could meet?
This blog has fallen on hard times. The level of discussion is demented.
Vig this is the wages of bitterness and depression. A feeble attempt to entertain myself.
Vigil, being demented is just a precursor to being fermented, which is just a step away from evolvement, betterment, and improvement. I think you should stick around. It can only get better
Those folks mus be desperate. They say $1064
TC, you're one hot cat.
hey, you're worth more than me, you old broad!
must have been all my tattoos and pierced nose....
Utah, I'm the best pussy cat around. ;-)
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