Harold Ickes was the only real spectacle out of the DNC Rules Committee. Just saying his name makes me gag a little. He has said Hillary Clinton has instructed him to take the ruling today to the Credentials Committee. Big fucking deal, Harold. You've lost, and I hope by your embarrassing performance today, you've lost your job as well. If Hillary wanted reconciliation for the Democratic party, she could have had it today, and maybe a shot at whatever job she wanted, short of Veep. But now, if I were Barack (thankfully for all of us I'm not), I'd tell her to go take a flying fuck. Ickes has just said the Clinton campaign is taking it to the floor of the convention. Now that's the way to get party unity--a brokered convention.
OK Nancy, OK Harry, bring those really big Supers in, and take us home, without our ever having to see or hear Harold Ickes again. Hillary, get your nominating speech in order, maybe that's your consolation prize.
Subtle, Innit?
4 hours ago
what's an ickes?
Forgive me for not watching the gathering of the idiots. I assume it's official: OBlahma is God?
Shrillary thought she was too, one time!:)
Harold was a punkass bitch wasn't he? Gawd I really thought Hillary might take it all with a grain of salt..but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
I really don't think the credentials committee will overrule the Rules committee, but you never friggin know w/these fuckers. ;)
As for Obama's resignation of his membership...in the Trinity Church...you are right..its a non friggin issue...to normal folks but not the msm or the religious wingnuts.
Hillary says that if in fact you include Michigan (a state where Obama wasn't even on the ballot), she will have won the popular vote nation-wide. Now THAT is chutzpah!!
I BET you gals and guys, if this woman cannot get what she wants, she will run as an independent. MArk my words!
I think she is already running as an independant. Many of her strongest supporters are leaving the party over her. Ickes is her Karl Rove... actually she seems to have Rove supporting her too. Even used his charts in her pitch to the committee. The slime makes it hard to navigate through all this.
Ickes was pretty much rude to the committe that he is on and the very RULES that he wrote....really disrespectful...there is ONE thing I keep telling myself over and over- She is BROKE...she is out of money...that in the end will be what drives her out...she did send out a messege tonight after MN to staffers- they are to meet in NYC on or by Tuesday- or they may return home...that sounds like she is done...more done than she wants to admit...
I watched the WHOLE thing- and kept waiting for explosions or fist fights...the Hill Supporters were pretty rude...but the committee I thought did a good job...we have not ever gotten to watch the inner workings before...I thought for the most part the 48 states that have already voted were respected and so were the rules....
Over on Ragebot Kvatch has a funny take on the resignation issue.
As for me... Ickes is a creepy troll and HRC needs to humble herself because if she won't the party will.
Harold Ickes was the only real spectacle out of the DNC Rules Committee?
What about Congressman Robert Wexler (FL)?
He totally out-thought and out-fought Ickes. In the battle or words and wit, Ickes was the loser and a poor one at that!
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