Harold Ickes helped write the rules he now wants to break. They bent the rules pretty hard to give Harold what he wanted. And still he bitched and moaned. He was insulting to everyone and a rabble rouser to the Clinton supporters who were bussed in for the event. Harold Ickes is on the DNC Rules Committee and the rules he wrote to advantage his candidate now have been broken to advantage his candidate. Then he went on Meet The Press and whined some more about the process that he feels is so unfair to the woman who pays his checks.
And all afternoon I watched HRC rack up her huge win in Porto Rico, where they get to vote in the primary, but not in the general election. Big Woop. She has no path to victory unless all the remaining Super delegates go to her, when in fact, they have been leaving her like rats on a sinking ship. As I watched her give her long victory speech last night, the part that grabbed my attention was the big beg for money. Always with the big pitch for bringing in the bucks. I hope the Clinton's had a nice vacation, but now I really don't want to ever have to see them again.
Subtle, Innit?
3 hours ago
I want to see the Clintons again, just not in the "White"house...
Poke her with a fork, she's done.
Utah it is on DonkeyDish's site but you might find this Tim Russert interview of Ickes dismaying but interesting.
I am one of those loathesome and reviled creatures like Digby in this post who hasn't cared about this primary season much after Edwards dropped out. So it's been interesting to me to watch all the horserace watchers.
Sorry to burst your bubble honey, but Wednesday ain't the day either. There are 31 pledged delegates up for grabs tomorrow; 16 in Montana and 15 in SD. Obama needs 46 more delegates to clinch it. I don't expect her to quit until enough Supers have crossed over for Obama to get to the 2,118 some are now saying is the total delegate number.
After Super Tuesday it was a sure thing that Superdelegates were going to decide the Nomination. In Obama's case, it just takes less of them.
For a relatively dispassionate tally of how it's all working out on the Superdelegates, have a look at http://demconwatch.blogspot.com/
Those folks have been doing a terrific jojb of the nuts and bolts.
You write about this stuff brilliantly!
I know I sound like a broken record, but I am so sick of this primary. I was an Edwards supporter, too, and the way the media narrowed the race down to Clinton/Obama from very early on left a bad taste in my mouth, I guess.
That does NOT, however, mean that I would consider - even for a second - voting for McCain out of spite or anger.
Wake me when it's over and I'll vote for the Dem.
Ol Hill would need 87% of all remaining regular and Super delegates to get the nod.
Somehow, I think with her hubby's faux pas and her own...that ain't gonna happen. Nope.
I wrote another Hillary post today, and then didn't post it. I am so damn sick of this, all the lies an hypocrisy. If she doesn't quit tomorrow and keeps playing the same tune, I will post it, or something like it.
I'm hoping the hookah-smoking caterpillar has offered Hillary in Wonderland a cup of coffee.
Harold Ickes is Hillary's Karl Rove. The problem is, Ickes is not nearly as clever.
his name says it all- and I watched him on the talk shows the past few days and his "performance" at the Rules meeting- what a twit- can easliy see him and mark penn thinking that they could just think of one more divisive tactic- now they have set Voters on Voters...pathetic....and sick...
it is time for it all to end...
it has gone on tooo long..
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