News Flash... Hillary Clinton is about to give the biggest best most important speech in the history of the world!!!
Margin of two to one!!! Where is this? West Virginia? We're waiting for combustion!! Lift off!!!
Where is this? Oh yeah, West Virginia!!! Oh the crowd is shouting... What's that? Yes we can??? Where have I heard that before!!! Si, Se Puedes??? Sounds familiar. Crowd plagiarizes slogan from Obama!!!
Oh, ho-hum. It's back to writing about my damn crazy life.
Reminder: Turn Your Clocks Ahead Tonight!
1 hour ago
Ho-hum and, yet, Howard Wolfson, Clinton's communications director, is not that son-of-a-bitch aleays worth the price of admission. I mean, seriously, Hillary has a better chance of "winning in Iraq" than she does of winning this nomination. But, damn it all, Wolfson makes it all sound so plausible with that spin-job of his. I hope she's paying him well. That's all I can say. Have a good night, my sister. P.S. I'm from Connecticut, a place where the Democrats are old style Democrats....are so are the Republicans (an old Mark Russell joke)! Translated, we're pretty much all "lefties" over here. Later.
Utah, I posted this on Madmike's blog about this election regarding racism. Seems like a good place to add my 2 cents.
We live in an uneducated, unthinking world...
I think No. 44 wrote a post that stated 20% of people in Kentucky would not vote for an African-American. (Naturally, Clinton is expected to easily win Kentucky.)
You probably already know Clinton's win in the West Virginia Primary. Wow! She should be so proud: She won in the 3rd poorest state in the country, a state in which Democratic voters were 95 per cent white and in which almost seven in 10 voters did not have a college degree.
Well, Oregon has 30 delegates: he should win there. That gives Obama 1,904 delegates, needing 2,025 to win. Kentucky has 56, putting Obama and Clinton neck in neck and, maybe, giving Clinton the Democratic nomination.
What a horse race! I'm turning blue from holding my breath, Utah.
Its all good now that I've given up hope. My hope faded when John Edwards walked away. Check out - It is one of my favorite hangouts. Have a nice evening.
"take no prisoners" I lived in Middletown in the early sixties. I had a job, very briefly in a restaurant downtown. It's where I learned that no matter what, I could get a job and make a living even if it was slinging hash and getting a raft of shit from both townies and fry cooks. I lived, during that time in a room vacated by a Wesleyan student, I met on the bus. He so gallantly offered his room and then never hit on me. The boys from Wesleyan adopted me as their... Not sure what, but took me as their guest to dnner at least once a week in their huge dinning hall. Every time I arrived with my five or six escorts, the room silenced and they all stood. it was a little breath taking. Such gentlemen those Wesleyan men. It was not coed yet. Glad to hear you unafraid to call yourself, you know, the L word.
Stella. At last. Has my foray into the dark side of my sordid youth put you off, or have you just been living the hard working life of a normal woman, with a normal life--too busy.
Oh, what Stella said.
Wesleyan is actually ranked ahead of Dartmouth, Brown, and Cornell in certain publications. Excellent school. The L word? Can you call me the P word, instead. P, for pragmatist (James, Santayana, Hart, it has a nice ring to it LOL).
I know a couple of very, very nice guys who went to Wesleyan. Smart, but not snobs and and certainly not elitists, despite their backgrounds. One, the blogger Kelso. Second, a friend of Kelso's with whom I shared an office in lower Manhattan between 1999 and 2003 or so ... one of the sons of the late senior senator of of New York (whose seat Hillary took) ... from him I heard some hilarious stories of a trip his family took with the Bush family to China when Bush pere was the head of the CIA.
maybe there is something in the water there that makes wesleyan boys very nice, yet super-whipsmart.
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