The Wizard has posted a video clip taken from the famous You Tubes and it's playing at his place. And after watching it I got to hear Hillary's best speech in the Universe, according to Howard Wolfson, or however the hell you spell that screaming hack's name. I always scream back at him when he comes on touting Hillary's great chances for a comeback. Did I say that right? For a comeback??? She was never supposed to be the underdog, and all this playing the gunslinging, boilermaker drinking, tough and scrappy hard working white girly from Scranton, dodging bullets over Bosnia, etc, etc, etc.
Made me think about Vigilante and his hard on for them gun slinging, hard drinking, tough broads...... Has she won your vote, Vig? Was it the best speech in the Universe? I heard a lot of begging for money, and not a hell of a lot else. How about you?
Subtle, Innit?
4 hours ago
We watched an old movie about the earth going off axis and catching fire instead of the speeches, but did hear and read enough to notice that the skin color of the candidates and (lack of) education was supposed to be a big factor there. I guess it's hillbillies for Hill & Bill, or something.
Very good one, blueberry.
Thanks for the mention of my blog. I appreciate you stopping by. I've also added a new commentary about tonight's election results.
The Empire Strikes Barack is a great video if any of your readers haven't seen it yet they should check it out.
The Wizard, fkap
You sweet man, you didn't even mention the reason I didn't steal it from you and post it myself is because I'm too damn illiterate to do it myself. And they say chivalry is dead.
She's got to keep begging for money to pay off her debts. Keith Olbermann tonight even referred to her fundraising as a Ponzi scheme!
And I watched the speech. To be fair, it didn't suck donkey balls, but "best speech ever"? I just don't think so. I think Terry McAuliffe is using some heavy drugs at this point.
That's right it is Terry McAulffe. A hack by any other name is still a hack. Glad to see you Phoebe. I always think I'm all that, when you drop by.
Hillary has demonstrated her ability to sling, but she's no where close to being the straight-shooter that Michelle O. is. As far as Terry McAuliffe is concerned, he's undistinguishable from the rest of the Clintonians - just one more lying sack of lying shit. He was disgusting on Sunday's Meet The Press.
At last, Vig pays a visit.
Terry McAuliffe went on tv yesterday and declared that Fox News had given the fairest political coverage in this race. I think space aliens may have invaded his brain.
One of the best analysis of West Virginia and the fall election I read this morning comes from Ron Chusid over at Liberal Values: Hillary's Last Hurrah
Chusid is a huge Obama supporter, but I think his analysis is really insightful and fair.
In short, Chusid sees Obama bringing a lot more to the table in a general election.
Oh, that's rich - running for President as a Ponzi scheme. What have we come to?
Actually Hillary is borrowing her own money to finance her campaign. It seems even her most desperate begging has failed to produce results. I agree with Vigil as to McAuliffe and his awful Sunday appearance wherein he declared Tim Russert's father dead when in fact he was not. Listening to him made me understand why Hillary is losing.
Funny how you guys all went ape shit happy about Obama's win in North Carolina as SO huge,... Um, ahem, West Virginia anyone?
Just be fair...
I didn't hear her speech. Our satellite went out for almost the EXACT duration! After reading that skunks sabotaged Enigma at Watergate Summer while she was trying to watch it, I'm suspecting a cosmic message. From the clips I saw, she is a woman who will not back down, nope, no way.
After her speech, I saw Terry McAuliffe jumping up & down onstage like a sweaty speed-driven maniac, the kind who has burnt out all his synapses betting on the come line for one last big hit and must now choke back his fear that whether he wins or loses, it's all the same for him, he will still be vomiting his losing Kerry campaign the next morning, same as he's done every morning since Nov 2004. well, maybe i've been reading too much hunter thompson.
Um, do I hear some elitism here... the very attitude that might cost you your candidate?
Hillbillies? Yowsa.
Do I actually hear democrats criticizing the poor? Criticizing lack of education? What planet am I now on?
Yeah, you guys really do bring people together. Kudos.
turn on TV: Edwards is endorsing Obama!
Yes, we people are elitists. I live on Social Security Disability. You keep forgetting that I am an old white woman who has always been a feminist (actually long than you have been alive, K). I have no degree. I am Hillary's exact demographic. if I had stayed in Texas with my mother's racist family, I'd probably be a cracker too. So cut that crap please. You are wrong about "us people." We do disagree with you in your zealous support of Hillary. This doesn't make us elitist. It might make us thoughtful. It might make is desperate for a major change in our governments policies and priorities. But there is almost no one more elitist than the Clinton's
Don't fool yourself... with all your "disability" and "poor" talk... if it walks like a dog, barks like a dog, and smells like a dog, it fucking is a DOG.
If you call ALL the people who voted for Hillary stupid white crackers who are ignorant and uneducated, you are being elitist. Period.
If some guy named John said to you: "Obama only won in Mississippi (or name any southern state) because of stupid poor Niggers" you would call John a racist. And you would be right.
Democrats are supposed to be above all this nonsense. Do you really think Obama would approve of you indicting an entire group of people, discounting their predicaments, their hopes, their fears, their disadvantage? No, he wants to pull EVERYONE up, together.
Are you sure you are his supporter? You sure don't seem to support his message. I seem to more than you.
Maybe it's because of my cracker background. No, Barack probably would not approve. In fact when I first started writing political pieces the Obama organization in Utah linked their site to mine. Then they backed away. We were all relieved, I'm sure. I am not anything more than a citizen expressing my opinions. Sometimes all I do is air my family's dirty laundry.
Interesting. And when you let in vulnerability, I start to melt.
Do you ever think some of your vehemence to Obama to the detriment of other people and to the democratic party stems from this "cracker" "racist" family you were a part of? Perhaps you fight for them as a way to denounce them and what you thought you once were with them.
Who the hell knows. I just know that every single ounce of our fighting needs to be against the REEEEPs... the bastards.
I meant to say.. fight for HIM (meaning Barack)...
I am tired.
K, you are probably right about that. Racial, family guilt. Maybe Hillary reminds me of my narcissistic, egomaniacal mother.
Perhaps, Utah, but I also wonder if deep down where you are not conscious of it, you resent her being able to construct an identity as she has... able to stand as if a man (at least asexual) holding power and access to power without having to rely on the only way most women have access to power, desirability/beauty/sexual object.
You two are nearly the same age... but have used very different tools to be heard and seen in the world. She seems bulletproof, you have been bullet laden by those who should have loved and cared for you most. Their actions left you a woman making decisions she never would have made if not so victimized.
I'm not saying that you do not have some legitimate concerns about her political issues and decisions, but your absolute fervor and sexist treatment of her at times when you are a pronounced feminist, leads me to believe there is something in her you resent so deeply and usually those such feelings tend to be manifestations of what we want or desire or hate about ourselves. Transference.
My two cents... I am sure fury will be upon me now by your strongest supporters. But actually, what I have written comes from the closeness I felt not that long ago with and from you.
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