I've been assaulted, lately, by disgruntled readers. My site is looking a little ragged from the fighting going on in the comments thread. I have early blogging friends (who now hate what I say, and how I say it) telling me I don't listen well enough. So, for awhile I'm just going to listen. I'll wash the dog's bed, work in the garden for a bit. Do a little writing off-line.
So, while I set my house in order, I won't be gone. I'll be reading you for awhile. You know I won't be able to resist commenting. I now understand what long winded is--I'll try to avoid falling in love with the sound of my voice. I'll listen to your music, follow your journey, live vicariously through you for awhile. In this mental house cleaning I'm going to learn how to link. I'm too dependent on the Administrator, that genius. He's going to teach me to link. Sounds kind of sexy. Bon voyage.
Reminder: Turn Your Clocks Ahead Tonight!
1 hour ago
I think you listen. You've listened to me, even conceded a point or two. It's all in the delivery, right? I mean seriously, who wants to listen to a bunch of "Glengarry Glen Ross" out-takes (absent Mr. Pacino's crisp delivery, of course) when a little reasoned discussion would suffice? Your reaction to this onsluaght is totally understandable.
Thhanks, will.
Maybe I listen, but my typing and computing skills leave much to be desired.
I took several months off, where I didn't even visit other blogs. It refreshed me.
The thing about cyberspace is that we don't get to see nuances of expression. We read words on a computer screen without the benefit of emotion, facial expression, body language, passion. Without that, we can find our way to misunderstanding, and that's sad. I've seen it recently with two other bloggers I admire.
Don't be a stranger!
Utah change nothing [other than threatening to kick people off or suggesting that they move elsewhere]. It is rare indeed that I visit a blog as often as I visit yours but yours is, quite frankly, exciting, which is why you have such a large readership.
I just stopped by to let you know I linked to you so I could keep track of what you do have to say. I like it! Do some cleaning though gardening is a lot better for the soul and relax! Don't take what people say personally especially today.
I have to tell you, I was just looking at your past post and cracker would be too knid for many I grew up with but i'll shut up.
I Like cleaning and gardening; weird to some folks, but true for me. The Zen of Zuchini, the Dao of dusting - ahhhh.
Write more soon, s'iil vous plait. As long as it's not in ALL CAPS.
Utah, here's a great site for you: HTML Goodies. It a great reference site.
Here's a link sample: url. However, please don't use spaces between the URL and the quotes. I hope this comes out OK.
OK, didn't work. Sorry. HTML goodies will help.
ghosts that haunt me now......
Stella, thanks for the tips. i am one of those idiots who doesn't read instructions. This is part of the Administrator's value. He is a teacher who comes onto my side of the screen and shows me over and over how to do a thing. Last night he was explaining the concept of a clipboard. I can copy a bloggers address to my blog roll, but I have trouble seeing how that translates into embedding something into text. It is the completing the "link" that eludes me. It's Keith time and Rachel Maddow is on for him. I'm tired from working in the garden and cleaning in the house. Laundry is done, clean linnens all through the house. Dusted the oak book cases. Washed the dog bed covers. What a good girl am I. So nice to see you visiting.
And as for you, Mr. Unconventional, I wish you were my neighbor. We could get our hands dirty together.
Utah you are always welcome to be as long winded as you like at my site.
Hi Utah, I've been lurking over here - just want to let you know I know what you mean about all the altercations that happen lately in the comment sections - I've been caught in it a bit lately on a couple of other blogs myself and it is disturbing.
I hope once Obama is the nominee that the arguing will subside and most will realize we Democrats have to unite or it will be President McCain in November.
I think you are a good listener...and a wonderful writer...things are tense right now...I have felt it on numerous blogs...I am sorry if things have gotten hot or frictionalized ...hang in there....
( if it is okay, I am adding you to Watergate Summer Blogroll...there are a lot of nice folks on that blogroll...right now I am writing on racism and Sixties issues on that blog...and Enigma Cafe is like a retreat, a refuge , totally different...Most of my posts have art, and Music linked to the Title-always...but I hope that both blogs will offer some comfort.... some respite...)
take care....
Resist commenting? I will be deeply offended if you do!
Utah- When I tagged you a ways back, I sent you an email about how to link. Did you not get it? I'll resend it. Maybe it went into your junk mail or somehitng. Email me if you don't get it today. _FB (internet idiot sympathizer)
Aw hell, that's the last time I tag you. I scared you off the internets!
Once again, I must second divajood's take. No matter if we simplify or heighten the complexity of our language on the tubes, something is bound to get lost in the discourse. Hell, it happens offline all the time - story of the world - so without any physical contact or body language, we're free to put our own spin on things, experience a different context, just like reading a piece of literature.
I've thought about taking a break now and then because I can't come up with anything - that explains the stupid 'fun with captions' - but keep on commenting. Or I'll tag you again.
Jeez, lady, no wonder you are taking the pack off to R&R. I just read through the last few posts/comments, and now *I'm* exhausted! I'm on a cleaning jag, too, trying to clean up for houseguests next week.
Gotta tell ya, one of my sisters, who proudly calls herself poor white trash and would also call herself a cracker if she understood the term, told me she can't vote for my candidate of choice. Fearing the worst, I asked why. She said, "because he smokes"!!! Well now, she is a good sister, if none too smart, so when I recently told her he has stopped smoking, she is now on board. Imagine, that was her criteria!
I love people who are in love with the sound of their own voice. Only those can produce anything that is worth loving!
You are always welcome. Come listen to some music, put your feet up and relax.
so I am leaving you a messege, back here a few days....I hope things have gotten a bit nicer here..no more hate mail..and maybe the comments are bit kinder..more thoughtful....considerate even....oh hell...people in Blogatopia can be hellish...but if good people stick around and pay attention things should be better...and I hope they are...real soon...
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