I always loved Randy Newman. I think he's one of Americas great songwriters, and I suppose his voice might be an acquired taste, but it always appealed to me. If I had the skill to find a video clip of his performance of this song, now would be the time to do it. Because I think it's what George W Bush is getting ready to do.
What better way for him to give his successor the finger on the way out of the White House than to drop the big one on Iran in the last days of his presidency. If Hillary's the new President this would be a good thing since she dropped the big one in her last debate with Obama, slipped in ever so quietly between inane questions about flag pins and "do you love America," while Hillary says she's cool with OBLITERATING IRAN!!!!..... No follow-up on that one.
We know McCain is cool with obliterating Iran, since it's where AL QEADE IS FROM!!!!
I'm a supporter of Obama from many reasons, but now, lately, it's because he's the only SANE CANDIDATE RUNNING!!!
PS Tomcat from Politics Plus was kind enough to post the link for this song. I dare you to listen to it twice. If you don't have tears rolling down your cheeks at the end of the second go through, there's no hope for us.
Reminder: Turn Your Clocks Ahead Tonight!
1 hour ago
Here's your link!
It ought to be the McConJob theme song.
Hmmmm. Got your message. Let's try it this way:
Click Here
i'm glad tomcat found Randy Newman for you.......
we'll make friends with Iran for sure......... it only makes sense..........because
you only live once
Utah Savage, I see you at Tomcat's and just wanted to let you know you're not alone in frustration over computer ability (or lack thereof). The only thing I got going for me is tenaciousness & being a general control-freak, I can't let IT win! If someone hadn't set up my blog for me, I'd still be staring at those instructions & swearing (I do think swearing helps). Looks like you got your award thing up in the sidebar & looking good (congrats!). As far as being able to link or use any of the html commands in comments, I can't figger that out either. People tell me how, but it goes zip, over my head. The day I see you doing it, I'll ask you how you did it because you'll probably be able to tell me in simple steps.
ps, I'm also in UT, SW corner, windy & hot as hell, drier than mars, can't wait til summer!
I'm 100 percent for Obama but after all the crap Hillary and Bill have thrown at him I have this sick fantasy of just saying that she should go ahead and have the damn nomination. And have Bush hand off his new war with Iran to them just to see how much she and Bill whine about how unfair she was done.
You need to put a link in your blogroll to your other blog, the one you call Maggy. I can't find it and it would help you get traffic on that site as well (maybe, just saying).
If I knew how I would, but thanks for the suggestion, Lib. Maybe my administrator will come show me how. But for now, you can get there through the profile. I now have three blogs. One for Maggy, one for short stories and the usual Utah Savage.
Utah, if you need help, click my avatar. Then click 'email'.
As you can see I am catching up with blogging! All of the pacifists will love this one:
The organization known as al Qaeda (means the Base) is not from Iran. If their main center of operations was in Iran I would be the first to support "obliteration," not of the nation necessarily but at least of their suspected locations.
Make no mistake: this is the most dangerous terrorist organization to ever come down the proverbial pike. They are capable of mass murder beyond all imagination. Their immediate goal is to procure nuclear weapons so they can start bombing American cities. While we are busy trying to clean up from that they will be busy trying to find some Variola (small pox virus) to spread throughout the Midwest. They will use crop dusters to accomplish this task. Curiously and most coincidentally several have been stolen over the last five years, all of them in the Southwest border states. They have never been located.
If Barack Obama would not support immediate military action against al Qaeda (if we knew where they were) I could not support him. The fact is he DOES support military action against al Qaeda wherever they are. When he is elected I suspect he will be eying the mountains of Western Pakistan. If I were Osama I would be looking for new digs.
So with those happy thoughts I bid you all a fond adieu....
Obama '08
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