Roscoe, minding his own business, is assaulted by the amorous Segundo. No arrest yet. Roscoe refuses to press charges, despite the abundant evidence that he did nothing to provoke the rape. This crime took place in my back yard. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Reminder: Turn Your Clocks Ahead Tonight!
1 hour ago
Sometimes you can just hold still and the attacker will back off. Looks like Roscoe used that tactic.
You just stood by and took a picture while this atrocity was being performed?
Didn't anyone tell them that gay marriage is legal in Los Angeles?
Segundo obviously has San Francisco values.
I generally root for the "under" dog, but in this case I'm for the little guy.
I love Segundo, he goes for the big dog knowing full well his tiny self can't close the deal. Gotta love him for that.
Reminds me of the episode of Sex and the City where Elizabeth Taylor is gang banged.
I like your photography, Utah. But you need to flip the sequence here. Usually, Blogger places the first one you load, last in the article (and the last one, first). But you don't have to re-load; cut and pasting will do. (Actually, of course, you don't have to do anything. This is great as it is!)
ever the realist, I must point out it is a dominance thing. Segundo is attempting to dominate Roscoe. Either that, or Segundo is brilliant comedian. He sure had ME laughing!
Vig, I knew it was wrong once I published, but other than deleting and starting over I, I couldn't figure out how to deal with it so just decided to let your minds run it backwards.
I'm being offered so much help in learing the technowhiz stuff. But My drug drenched brain--heart meds and bipolar drugs don't make for clear thinking. I knowit's just an excuse, but...
Roscoe probably didn't feel a thing! (Still rape though.)
Oh! I didn't realize that this is a porn site!
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