I'm in normal rhythm. Enraged, but normal rhythm. This is as it should be. My cardiologist is a recent California transplant. He shares my outrage. He can't talk to anyone in his department because they're all republicans. They did an EKG and my rhythm is normal. Then he and I talked politics. It was enormously therapeutic. I wonder how he'll work it into the bill.
So, here's the question. What does she, what does she, the hard working, the hard working white woman with millions of supporters WANT??!!! And so, tell us Hillary what do you want??!!! Are you entitled to anything you want? And, haven't we heard you say in many settings and reported on over and over, your fierce declaration that you will support with all your heart and energy for the nominee, whoever that nominee is.
My cardiologist and I agree that Jim Webb would be a great choice for Vice President.
Subtle, Innit?
3 hours ago
Glad you're relatively normal darlin'.
I try to spare you these episodes. I told you it wouldn't be Wednesday (today.) Granted Obama has clinched the number, and I had previously said, she wouldn't quit until the winning number via the Supers was attained.
So you see, it's all playing out. She'll stop and I bet it's within a week from now.
You and I have both been in brawls, knife fights. Dude, brawls only ABRUPTLY end when a life is lost, someone is running to evade capture and the cops are called. You know this perfectly well. :)
Otherwise you know how it is; the energy winds down, and people end up fucking off. That's how this will work. The Giant Pie Fight is over; there's a few more crusts and some whipped cream gonna be thrown, but it will all work out fine.
I, too, am glad you're doing better. HRC is supposed to concede on Friday, so I hope that helps you feel better.
You know I've been touting Webb as probably the best choice for some time now. There are others Obama could choose that would work. He may go with Hillary and, granted, she does have 18 million supporters. Even if he does, I'm voting Democrat.
Mr. Conventionist and Stella, thank you, I'm feeling much better now. HRC concedes Sat. in some public thingy. Guess she and her big wigs had a come-to-jesus. Can't wait for the town hall debates between Barack and the old man. That should be interesting.
One point to remember, folks, Teddy Kennedy (a fellow a lot of people are lionizing now - Mary Jo's, family not so much) NEVER conceded to Jimmy Carter (never even shook the poor fellow's hand!). So, yeah, maybe we have been a tad too harsh on the lady for not crying "uncle" immediately.
First, glad you are in normal rythm. Now do we get to sing "I've got rythm, I've got music, I've got my guy who could ask for anything more" or do we just have to tap on a drum?
Next, did you see McCain's speech from New Orleans? I posted about it today, because he really was evil. He spoke in that overly calm, patronizing tone neo-cons are fond of and basically channelled Ronald Reagan as he twisted Obama's call of "change we can believe in." It was chilling, because McCain played on fear-mongering and innuendo. Expect more of the same.
hey, all this blah blah blah about the election will become moot anyway.
from a comment on the Existential Cowboy blog: "On May 9, 2007 president Bush signed a National Security Presidential Declaration which permits him to declare a national emergency in the case of war and suspend Congress and the Supreme Court. Norman Podhoretz demands bombing of Iran, Admiral Fallon was fired and Buchanan predicts the bombing of Iran before elections. Nobody talks about NSPD51 but the probability is high that there will be an October Surprise, the elections will be cancelled and Bush and Cheney will stay on. ...I can smell a police state in the making. Hope you will pay attention."
all this back and forth about hillary and obama will become inconsequential once we all start goose stepping.....;)
Utah, I am happy your EKG's normal.
My sister's a doctor and she says the majority of her colleagues are Reps because they do not want the "Universal health-care" ... cuts from their income!
I think Hillary's green with envy! That's what it is; and because she is a woman, like us, emotional, she can't pretend to politics. Men do not need to pretend, they just do not give a damn; and this Obama is pretty darn SMART
He has so outsmarted the old obliterator bitch ... Hillary embodies a human of little 'originality' and 'creativity' but great procedural discipline ... however, when push came to shove, her 'emotions' fucked her up; and continue to do so!
People have had enough of "stubborn fighters" ... time for CHANGE!
I'm always afraid to discuss politics or religion with my doctors, since they've got some power over me. ;-)
I am trying to restrain myself when it comes to Hill-bashing in the interest of healing and hoping there will be enough unity to win this thing in Nov, but it won't be easy. My latest concern is "McCain Democrats" whatever the hell that is supposed to be.
I like Webb too, but he may be too young. Obama needs someone older to balance the ticket. This is going to be a tough process. A lot of positives and negatives for every name mentioned.
We need to listen to Linda Sama. I have mused about this possibility since last year. Now, the blogsphere is publishing articles. Mere conspiracy theory? I hope like hell I'm wrong.
Article from Alternet: Rumors of War: Is Bush Gearing Up to Attack Iran?
Something is afoot. Just what is not clear, but recent moves by the White House strongly suggest that Bush will attack Iran in the near future.
According to the Israeli website DEBKAfile, Cheney's trip to the Middle East in March was seen in the region as a possible harbinger of war. "The vice president's choice of capitals for his tour is a pointer to the fact that the military option, off since December, may be on again," DEBKA concluded. "America will need the cooperation of all four [countries he visited]—Oman, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Turkey."
There has also been a steady buildup of naval and air power in the region. A new aircraft carrier battle group has been assigned to the area, Patriot anti-missile missiles have been deployed, and U.S. Naval forces in the Eastern Mediterranean have been beefed up..
Apparently, Gary Hart. On a 09/23/06 post on Huffpo, he stated: It should come as no surprise if the Bush Administration undertakes a preemptive war against Iran sometime before the November election.
Bush signed an Executive Order to ease the way for martial law and make it easier for the president to suspend constitutional rights.
Hopefully, this is just an outbreak of unreasonable paranoia. Hope springs eternal, I guess.
Linda, I agree with you that there has been too much bla bla bla about politics. But one of the reasons those of us engaged in the bla bla bla care so much is that we want change. Major, revolutionary, fundamental change. Please do not disengage from participating in the only way we have to make change happen by refusing to VOTE!
What you say about Bush/Cheney getting ready to begin another war, revoke the rest of our civil rights by closing down the country with marital law, turning us into a military state, with blackwater thugs patrolling our neighborhoods is our worst fear. And yes, we must talk about it. Please don't stop talking about it. Keep us informed. Keep reminding us. Start blogging again. We always listened to you. I'm listening to you now. What you say sends chills down my spine.
Hillary is a weenie.
Ms. Savage, you're a sweet old broad (really!) and I'm sending ya a hug...I'm glad your ticker is still tickin'....
but I'm thinking of taking the coward's way out, i.e., get the hell outta Dodge if They start lining us up to get those brain chips. hey, I have a 5 year India visa where I can spend 6 months at a time. I can hop over to Nepal or Sri Lanka or Thailand to get it renewed and head back to Ma India for another 6 months.
wanna join me? cheap health care! you can get a hip replaced for about $20K!
Linda, my generation made that pilgrimage in the late 60's early 70's. My pilgrimage was Italy. Now I'm hunkered down, doing the bla bla bla thing. We need to find enlightenment here, now, otherwise we could blow up the whole world.
I dig your rhythm!
utah, I spent those years hunkered down....now, at 54, I'm flying when most people my age are waiting to die...or killing themselves putting their kids through college....oh well....our lives are created by our choices....I know what my Path is, and it's not where I'm living.
wah watusi
I cannot donate to DNC, because I am not American, but bloggers for peace, lobby for private donations to DNC, as obama's cut the hands of the lobbyists out ...
for the first time, I am beginning to LOVE America! :))
I think this is why I avoid going to the doctor, that I'll probably end up with a Republican and spontaneously combust.
If your rhythm is normal, does that mean breakdancing is out of the question?
I always talk politics with my doctors. It matters more to me that my doctor is smart, meaning not republican, than educated at a prestigious medical school--though the two are not mutually exclusive. I dropped my last internist when he recommended I read Ann Coulter. Ack! I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Now I see a Nurse Practitioner, probably gay, and very liberal. We always talk politics.
He can't talk to anyone in his department because they're all republicans.- I happen to be fighting the insurance company right now to see the most liberal doc in Cali, whilst they want to force me to see the most conservative one.
I know..off topic..sorry..its hard to concentrate lately. :(
Never talk politics with your doctor. They always prescribe Kool-Aid. (Jim Webb would be cool with me.)
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