Diva has given me an award. I don't know why--she has my vote already. I am to be the Chief Justice in her Court of Supremes, so why this? Why now? Diva, have you made a deal to give my job to UC? If you have, you'll see some kick ass, and it won't be blogging. I know LA like the back of my hand.
This Award originates from MammaDawg.
Thank you Diva, thank you MammaDawg. This is the Kick Ass Blogger award. So, I'm thinking I better get some kick ass in my blog. Lately all I seem to do is whine and complain. But, this will have to stop now. I must get all kick ass on you mothers.
The rules are the usual rules and we shall all follow them. Do you hear me? Ve must follow ze rules! Rule #1. Select five kick ass bloggers. Rule #2. Blurt out why you think they are deserving of this award--must have some kick ass in the blurting. Rule #3. Link us all together in some slightly sexual way. Rule #4. Acknowledge the originator of this award and also the lovely, generous, beautiful kick ass woman who is sending it your way. Rule # 5. Oh I forget. Get creative and make one up--but it better be kick ass. And must include signing Mr Linky. I tried, but Mr. Linky was not taking signatures today.
#1. e at StarSpangledHaggis.
She has recently taken to posting on the life political. Most interesting. She is so smart and funny I don't have any right to peek into her lovely, courageous life and comment! Who the hell am I to insert my opinions and observations on her parenting style, or her concerns for our collective future? But little stops me from expressing my opinion.

She has moved her life to France, bought a house in a village and is renovating it. That's a kick ass woman. She has a living, breathing, sense of adventure. She has courage. She shares the minute details of her renovations and her reservation and doubts as well. All this she does in a country she has never lived in before, speaking a language that is not her own, and she writes so well about it all--the fear, the regrets, the courage to move forward. And when she finally gets a little strange nookie, I'm hoping for the frenchy details.
#3. Blueberry at Texas Oasis
She writes with wry humor about the small details of daily life as well as the big political issues of the day. She reads the good sources, and when she posts from a news source, does it with elegance. And she's a kick ass commenter. And in truth, we are sisters. We come out of the same raw, racist, cracker past. She's the good sister. I'm the bad one. But if she wanted to she could kick my ass.
#4. Stella at Swiftspeech
Stella always keeps me focused on the big picture and the little details that make it all so fucking scary sometimes. She remains steadfast in her focus on the life political. But her reading is broad enough to include me, and her comments often lead to the most interesting of threads. She was my first reader. She encouraged fiercely and pushed gently. She says I sometimes write like Dorothy Parker. I only hope Parker wasn't as crazy and inconsistent as I. Thanks Stella.
#5. Vigilante at The Vigil
I'm pretty sure some of the best political writing I've seen done at The Vigil is Emily's. But Vig was one of the other writers who encouraged me to keep at it right from the beginning. His blog is certainly kick ass and keep it honest. Smart and sometimes smart assed, Vig is also one of my favorite commenters on other's sites. I seldom see him on mine, as I have gone far afield and "off topic." Vig led me to Beach and for that I will always be grateful. Beach and I are related somehow. Thanks Vigilante. Also thanks for the spelling and punctuation instruction. As you know too well, I am not my own best editor.
I would never, ever, ever give UC your position as Big Chief Supreme. I did award him an award because I was trying to get him to return to our campaign, but you I simply awarded because you kick ass.
You're too kind, Utah. As you know too well, I am not my own best editor, either. But I know few readers who get me like you do, politically. Your interests and competence range far wider than politics. But when you stoop to my narrow range of politics, you are always spot-on topic!
Vig, you made me get all weepy. There is nothing like getting a compliment from someone who scares you, they're so smart.
congrats, Ms. Savage....however, I'm swiping this and awarding it to myself because I already know I kick ass.....
Stop already! you are way TOO kind to a person who is in need of a little kindness! Seems to me the bestower is the Kick-Assedness up in here! but link us all together sexually? Like an blog-orgy or something? hmmmm. I'll have to percolate on this before I pour my own special cup of whup ass. And that is going to be my #5. Involve a can of whup ass.
Thanks darlin', I needed that. Now I've got to get my writer's beret on and get to penning.
Ms Sama. You are the kick assedness of all kick ass women out there. But since you have almost retired or taken a sabbatical from de blogging to become de spiritual kick ass zen mother, I thought it best to not put any pressure on you to get to blogging again on a daily basis--not that pressure from me would move you from your meditations, ect. But, by all means take this award. The Rebel Grrl originator is Kick Ass to her core, and deserves this award for that alone.
jnrr, what I'm really waiting to hear from you is tales of ze french nookie in kick ass style.
Contrats you ass kicker you! And Dorothy Parker rocks!!! Does her work inspire you? Dcup reminds me of Dorothy Parker too you know.
Utah, your generous words have blown me away. Thank you so very much.
I got my first taste of Dorothy Parker when Stella said I reminded her of Parker. My friend, Nick, the history professor, gave me a collection of Parker short stories for my 64th birthday. And I don't see myself as Parkeresque, but Dcup, yes. I write in a Southern accent. I think I'm channeling some Southern writer, like maybe Carson McCullers.
emily, I've been wanting you to visit me for so long. I'm so glad to see you here.
thanks, ms. savage....I like that...."spiritual kick ass zen mother"....now if only someone could photoshop me an award badge to go with that, I'd put it on my blog(s)!
p.s. just going through some heavy life-changing shit, ms. savage....life gets in the way of blogging....
Dearest Utah, what can I say. To share an honor with Vig, even. Diva's right: you do kick ass! I can't wait to add my new, beautiful honor to my blog.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Since you're in the process of memorizing all the Deadwood episodes again, allow me to give you the canned peaches award.
"...by all means, let's plant poles all across the country, festoon the cocksucker with wires to hurry the sorry word, and blinker our judgments and motive... Ain't the state of things cloudy enough? Don't we face enough fuckin' imponderables?"
The Al Swearingen on information technology award to Utah.
I gots the Al (~sigh~)
Thank you thank you thank you!
I am still in "drive-by" mode, all this work is kickin MY ass and not in a good way. Just call me "Dragon Ass"
I second that motion!
You do "kick ass" chick!
it's very good you got this award....... most worthy you are fer sher......
Dixie Chicks
Congratulations to the winners....
Zose are some great stoßesel (kick arse) blogs, Fräulein Utah!
Zis is a groß (grawt) lizzt for zee blogosphere! You've an ohr und das auge (ear and zee eye) for zee good schreiben (writing)!
Danke, liebe Dame!
Mach weiter so!
Frieden und dieser ganzer Jazz!
Liebe und Umarmungen,
der Poesiemann…
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