Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Time Reporter's piece on the sleaze in the McCain campaign.


Commander Zaius said...

I've had to tune out politics for a couple of days. If I hear one more word about pigs and lipstick I will puke. Its funny a woman is reported to not only be a hunter but field dresses the moose she kills is going to be a insulted so easily?
Yeah, that's going to be a real plus if she ever has to deal with Putin on her own.

Utah Savage said...

Tweety ran through the times McCain's TV'd references to Hillary's Health Care Plan as lipstick on a Pig. It was a lot of clips. Lipstick on a pig might indeed be a McCain invention. He looks rather porcine to me, and I want to put lipstick on him.

Ghost Dansing said...

porcine..... giggle giggle..... porcine.....

Unknown said...

The disgusting bag o batshit that is John McCain will some day get his due, his only hope is that it will be filmed so I can watch it over and over and over again.

DivaJood said...

Truth? I don't need truth. I'm John McCain and I was a POW.