My Library
My books are roughly separated into fiction and nonfiction (all initially alphabetized by author's last name) with some sub-categories. I try to keep poetry, languages, philosophy, linguistics, reference books and others I can't quite categorize together, but as I read or research (ha!) or search for a favorite and pull it from the shelf, I don't always replace it. Like a teenager at the public library, I do not leave the shelves as I found them.
This is the music I listened to while putting these photos together to show you my personal library and the places in my house where I read. So, as you look at my books, can you listen to Joni Mitchell perform, All I Want?
I would so like to see your personal libraries, hear how you organize your books, where you read them, and whether you're a good library patron in your own library. Don't make me turn this into a meme. Because I will!
News That Will Drive You To Drink
1 hour ago
My books are arranged in fiction, history, science, and paperbacks all by themselves. Considerable marital issues can and have ensued when Dragonwife starts putting her cooking, craft, and whatever other books she buys in amongst mine. My books are organized not only by subject but by how they fit side by side. This is a leftover from my military days when everything had to be "dress right dress". As much as my bride like to buy and read books about organization she simply can't do it so when she puts stuff in with mine it looks like a disaster area.
I am so loving your library. Can I come visit and just read and get underfoot?
Yes Dcup dear, you can. Actually I've thought about inviting you to move here when the foreclosure shit hits the fan. We can't be anymore ignorant and backwards than the Alabamans. Well, maybe a little. But we have mountains, skiing,and lots and lots of public schools where good teachers are sorely needed--Mormons are big on breeding large families.
Beach, I used to organize my books so they looked good on the shelf, but it fucked up the alphabetizing of the fiction by author's last name. What a bother. Now the shelves look like shit, but at least when I'm looking for Ken Kesey, I can find him. And I only have room for five bookcases. I picked my prettiest five not my biggest five. Esthetics has its own logic, but you clearly know that.
I sort of do this vague chronological order, then by country, nonfiction then fiction. Convoluted, but I can find the stuff. I think it's time to go read something.
my library
my library's organization
book shelves
transhumanism (not necessarily endorsed by ghost dansing..... there is something very human about a book and a personal library. however humans are already modifying basic thought processes to accommodate their own technology. Utah Savage has already become a component of my hive mind)
but this is nothing new nothing new nothing new..... it has always been so..... the book is a product of technological advance...... gutenburgh kraftwerk........we love our books..... Utah loves her books...... books are tranformative...... transform the quality of existence existence existence......
there is no political soulution to a troubled evolution..... shadows danse
What a great idea! I'll have to get my camera out. I love your reading nooks and all your bookcases. We have one room (it used to be a bedroom but we call it the Library) that is floor to ceiling books - big bookshelves we bought to hold all our books. Of course there is another bookcase in another bedroom, and quite a few upstairs as well. There is a huge pile by my bed in a lot messier form than yours! Books everywhere!
Ghost, thanks for sharing. I won't pester you with the meme thingy since you made it very clear in your linky goodness.
Maui, I got a real taker. You my dear are off the hook in this memey world. Now you pass it along as soon as you put your camera to use--no, do not dust those shelves. Don't even think of it. But post away. It took me a couple of hours of trying to figure out picasa or whatever it's called to organize those photos and link them. Now I see other possibilities.
I am definitely going to do this as you suggested. My books are in size order more than cataloged order. We have 5 boob shelves in the living room, two in the hallway, two in the bedroom and a whole room of books out in the garage pretty much floor to ceiling. Some of those on the bottom shelves were damaged in the June flood this past summer. I like reading in my easy chair, in my chair at the kitchen table and, of course, in my bed. Wonderful post here Utah and wonderful pictures too.
opps, boob shelves should be book shelves, but that is pretty funny, eh?
I love my freudian slips. When I moved out here I could only bring about a third my books, so I had to make some difficult decisions. I left the floor to ceiling bookcase in the big house. I consider the books I left as an enticement for the younguns in the big house to read. I don't think it's working yet, but... I have hope.
utah, dear, this was so much strolling through your house with you, looking at all the books and rooms and chairs you read in...I enjoyed looking around and getting a peak at "you" behind the screen...I will join in but not with the picasa linky thing because I don't know how to do it..I'll post them on my blog in small (?) or something...just a warning, I am NOT ORGANIZED! Are you or were you a librarian in a past life?? well, were you? I am half expecting you to say yes after seeing all that organization of your books! Do you organize your makeup, pots and pans, laundry soaps too? just wondering :)
I was a reference librarian a long time ago. I plan to post more photos and will give you a look in every nook and cranny. I live in a very small house--thus the name the little house. It was four hundred square feet to start with. I added a little in the way of a greenhouse bathroom combo--very primitive. But I took a little away in the name of a large closet. The lord giveth and the lord taketh away, as they say. This very evening I took a picture of the view from my toilet--it's sky through tall trees. I can look at the moon from my bath if I bathe late enough.
my books aren't in any type of order -- that suits my personality. I have books on the floor, on my nightstand, in two bookcases, on coffee tables, under my computer desk, in the bathroom, everywhere. but I know exactly what book is where.
I've also vowed not to buy another book until I finish the 10-20 that are half read.
take it easy, sis.
Took your laptop with you I see Ms Sama. Glad you haven't disappeared. I keep looking in and read, but now have no ability to leave a comment. Why did you disable that?
right now most of my books are in boxes, either here in my atelier or in Oregon. I love this peek and one day when I have them unpacked I'll share mine.
I feel like my books are neglected friends ... wondering what did they ever do to deserve this treatment? they wait around patiently for my attention to return.
The internet and my life in general has stolen my previously insatiable appetite for books. I hope it returns some day.
The émigré emerges from her adventures. Hi honey, how ya doin? We've missed you. Oh yes we come visit you all the time. How was Spain? Back home? You got out of Dodge just in time. I hope you pulled every cent you had invested before you left. And like you the blog has stolen my brian. I haven't read a book all the way to the end since I started blogging. And reading used to be my full time job.
I keep mine by classics, fiction, and non fiction. Then I have a bunch of file storage for tech manuals for work. I used to do it like beach bum having been military but not as neat as I am older now.
And yes I am a guy and thanks for stopping by.
I split my books into fiction and nonfiction, have hardcover shelved separately from paperback, and arrange them alphabetical by author. Went through a brief stage where I came close to using Dewey decimal at home, but decided (a) that was a little too anal even for me, and (b) I always thought of the books by author (e.g., Hempel) rather than by topic (philosophy of science) anyway. Craft books are kept separate from everything else and are arranged by topic. Did a major thinning when we moved to Georgia last year, so the collection does not take up nearly as much space as it used to.
One of these days I am going to take photos and post them -- the peer pressure from favorite bloggers who have already done so is beginning to have an effect. I love seeing the photos other people have put up of their books.
Go, Nan! I like it when peer pressure is used for good and not evil.
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