Sunday, December 28, 2008

I'm Surprised I Did So Well


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Poor (Failure)

Take the test!


Randal Graves said...

I think this thing is broken. I'm apparently Very Superior and that's pretty much a crock. I'm always listening to baseball on the radio.

Gail said...

Hi Utah-

I got a 30, = poor 30's wife. The questions are hysterical. :-)

Love Gail'peace.....

Anonymous said...

Here's a Woman Capable of a Perfect Score:

Valerie doesn't nag or complain like other women, and is worth every penny as a Mail Order Bride! There are lots of her Sisters just like her, waiting to be snatched up from the assembly line by some Lucky Guy!


Anonymous said...

I see what you mean, Hef. According to this blurb (, Valerie is even smarter than a Real Woman! I think I'm in love!

Syan Brown

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year!


enigma4ever said...

haha...I got a 58....that has to be wrong...considering I am divorced...which would have been considered a failure back in the 30's - right?

( I was married for 20 years...I should get a few points for that....I guess..)

very funny the questions were a hoot...good laugh..

( I kept picturing Elizabeth hasselback from the view answering them in her perfect donna reed way...)

themom said...

June Cleaver I'm NOT. I am a complete and utter failure....and damn proud of it!

Not Dorothy Parker said...

I had a negative 13, and I thought THAT was bad.

Utah Savage said...

Bye the way, Themom, you're lovely. I like you better this way, you really class up the joint.

Anonymous said...
