I am amazed at the generosity of bloggers. I received a lovely package on Saturday from my dear friend Ms Soairse who is a jewelery designer among many other things. She sent me a couple of lovely pair of earrings at Christmas and now again, for no reason that I can see, two more. I never feel deserving of gifts. I always wonder how I can ever repay such generosity. But these fears are the little remnants of a difficult childhood, and I need to learn that it is fun to give and fun to receive. Now what can I do for Soairse?
These earrings are the ones I think of as chandeliers for the ears, and I love the feel of enough weight to remind me that I am packing glamour. So it's taken me three days to get ready to model them for you. And all I had to do was peel my jammies off, take a shower, wash my hair and dry it, and add a bit of eye to make these earrings pop on the page.
Pair number two another day.
Thank you darling.
PS, she sells these lovely earrings from her site, visit and take a look. They are lovely gifts and Valentines Day approaches.
they look fabulous on you!
Beautiful baubles for a beautiful lady!!!
Amos, Wow, yourself!
Nice mug, kid. The baubles ain't bad, either.
Just for fun and friendship - nothing in return except great stories and friendship. I hoped you would like the ones I chose for you. They look lovely on you.
Thank you for mentioning the blog. I will be posting new pictures of newly created earrings soon.
Enjoy the inauguration!!
Thanks all, and also for the thrill of a nearly naked man appearing as well as Darkblack. Don't take this personally Kulkuri, but it's hard to compete with the Wow of a nearly naked young man and Darkblack.
Lib, TheMom, they are beautiful baubles aren't they? These are the sort of jewels that call out for a great sundress.
Definitely a sun dress. Or a camisole under a sweater you peel off like pajamas when the heat is on ;)
On second look Amos is a nearly naked woman. Oh who cares, sexy is sexy.
Maybe it's just me, but they look kinda heavy. I mean, I would get a pair, myself, but my earlobes are already kinda long, and I am working on trimming the earbrows so I doan look like a fucking owl or sumptin, and frankly, even, they look like they cost about the price of a case of good beer and lord knows, iffen I believed in the lord, you see, that I would really rather have the case of beer and seeing as my ears are not pierced or anything,and I wouldn't be spending the money to get them pierced anyhow seeing as how bad the economy is and everything and I really am pre-occupied with the trimming the eybrow thing, anyways,
They look pretty on you.
very nice picture of you, and very nice earrings from Saoirse as well....
Saoirse is the sweetest person on the innertubes.
I love reading her blog and am so glad her and I (and you and I are friends)
I can't put into words how great she is
Gorgeous! The blue looks fabulous on you.
Themom beat me to it: I was gong to say the same thing—the earrings are beautiful and so are you.
You're absolutely stunning in those beautiful creations, Utah. And, Saoirse, you are so extremely talented and creative.
Very lovely!
Pretty earrings. You bear a striking resemblance to Dianne Keaton in that photo.
The earrings are gorgeous and so are you. Have you been telling us fibs about your appearance, Ms. Utah?
Saoirse is a very sweet friend to know.
(Sharp intake of breath) Oh! Stunning.... I mean the earrings AND you!
I just lost a bet with myself.
Ten, what's the bet? Don't tease me.
you look awesome for an old broad, sis! ;)
but shit, this reminds me -- I gotta send her some dough for my earrings!
oh my ... you ARE preetty!
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