Paul Krugman piece in the NY Times just makes me love him more. Sweet talking, Nobel Prize winning, Krugman is hot. And he's a blogger. I know he's too young for me, but still, smart talking men who seem sweet as well as smart, really get to me. Mummm, I love it when you talk smart to me Krugman.
Paul may be smart, but I think he overestimates the Dem's ability to actually do PR on failed conservative economic theories. America's attention span remains about 8 seconds and once it bears out that Obama or Superman can't fix everything, the talking hairpieces will be blathering on about ineffectual gubmint, thus paving the way for the goopers to come back.
he has beautiful eyes AND ton o smarts!
he had me right up until he called bush the first true southern conservative president..judas fucking priest..that man is no more southern than he is a texan..as we say in texas?....bush is all hat and no cattle...he's not, Irepeat not..a texan...he can go back to new haven conn. any time ..
I always am attracted towards smart people. You are so right he is cute, smart and darn right sexy. I hope he gets his own show too.
I am creating my own goddess-mermaid design earrings and necklaces using my cricut. I can't wait to share with you, so I can get your opinion.
Have a warm fun Saturday.
i'll be plagiarizing (not really, i'll give the appropriate references) Dr. Krugman very soon in my next blog post.
i really really agree with what he says, and i think his analysis is absolutely correct.
Republican defeats in 2006 and 2008 are either going to force that worthless political party back into the Liberal middle, or it's going to exist on the fringes of proto-fascist aspirations for decades.....
i think the American People have finally broken the code on those deceptive bastards.....
unfortunately, it appears we had to let them have it all their way for a long period of time just to demonstrate their political and economic philosophy is toxic.....
Ghost, if it was a plan, it worked pretty fucking well. Give the morons, like Bernnie Maddoff all your money mom, pop, granny, and we'll all be... What??!!? There is no plan? The moneys GGONE??!!! OHHHH FUCKKKK!!!! Gtandpa's gonna kill me.
Bernie Maddoff, if that isn't a made up name it should be. Cause he Made Off with all your money.
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