Monday, February 9, 2009

Am I Swearengen or is Stella? You Be the Judge.

Okay, I might be a little Trixie too. But Stella left this plum in the comments to Sitenoise's Soprano Swearing Opera. I now give you profane tidbits from my all time favorite HBO Series, Deadwood. In the meantime I'll be on my knees. Scrubbing the fucking floors, what the fuck did you think?


Gail said...

Hi Utah -
I put the recipe on your other post. the Head Shrinking Monday one.

I just got back on my computer now.....phew......

Love Gail

themom said...

I honestly DIDN'T think you would be on the floor - much less scrubbing. Reminds me...I must find someone to do my floors also. Have a great evening.

Kulkuri said...

What a versatile fucking word.

Randal Graves said...

Apparently, someone isn't thinking of the children.

I have to go wash out my ears.

La Belette Rouge said...

When I was watching that show weekly I found myself saying "c**k su*c*r" with great abandon. Not good. But, I loved that show. Loved it!!!

Utah Savage said...

Cocksucker and loopy cunt became integral parts of my speech too, and I still use them unabashedly.

Linda-Sama said...

actually I'm like Susie Green on Curb Your her!

Utah Savage said...

I love Suzie Green too. I forgot about her. She is my kind of woman. Thanks Linda for reminding me.

Anonymous said...

Loopy cunt was one of my favorites. Thanks for posting this Utah. I was mad that the Sopranos stayed on the air and we lost Deadwood. And HBO lost a customer.