There is unrest amongst the natives. We are growing impatient with the republicans gaming this stimulus package or spending package, depending on you viewpoint. Dear Mr. President, it's time to tell the people what is in the package and let us start screaming for passage of changes or pass it. But make congress get off their asses and do something. We will damn well call our congress persons. We will fire off the email to Nancy and Harry. Oh yes we will. But tell us what you're doing. And while you're at it, will you please explain the weak spot in the vetting process that does not enquire into ones tax difficulties? I'm guessing Caroline, who seemed stunned that she would be required to do this if appointed Senator from New York. This is getting embarrassing, but will no doubt delight the audiences of SNL, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert, of whom I'm one. I'm rooting for you. I'll do anything you ask, but please, Mr President, talk to us. You're really good at it. We need to keep our hope alive.
I agree. Let's stuff the stimulus with high-return on GDP investments like aid for states, extension of unemployment benefits, tax cuts for working people, and get this thing out the door so it can start fixing at least something.
By the way, I'm beginning to think skipping taxes is an important prerequisite to earning a cabinet-level post in the Obama administration.
Dan you're right. Enough of this already.
I suppose the rich might feel as though they are somehow entitled to take a pass on taxation.
As you say, we are getting restless. Both sides and the middle seem frustrated by this business as usal partisan crap coming out of DC. Let's get fuck on with it already. And stop trying to fix it from the top down.
I really wish he would do weekly television addresses( not just the radio one that they show on CSPAN). I think visibility is so important as he addresses this crisis.
Typical Dem behavior, not as visible as they should be. And when it's obvious, as is generally documented by Media Matters, to cite one example, that they're vastly outnumbered on the vapid string of talking hairpiece shows, they never call the networks out on it, while on air.
Look, if you want to play by Robert's Rules of Order or fucking kindergarten, then be prepared to get kicked in the sack over and over. Bullies are bullies until you slug them in the fucking jaw.
At least with Republicans, I know what I'm getting, hardcore, incurious evil. I bet the powers-that-be told Alan Grayson to shut his yap for speaking the barest facts.
I don't really know what is in this stimulus package, but the bailouts seem to me like ransom paid to those who have hijacked the world's economy ...
Buuut, that said, I am beginning to enjoy the irony of America acting communist :) I'm delighted about the 500,000 CEO salary cap!
Wow, Barak seems to have gotten his red revolution earlier than he anticipated!
by the way, I am listening to this Gibbs dude! I would sack him too! He mumbles its like pulling tooth listening to him!
Naj, I had this conversation with my blog mate Phillip who lives in San Francisco. He hates Gibbs, for the same reasons you do. oddly I like Gibbs. But I'm inclined to like anyone Obama choses to do anything.
Randal you are both the most romantic man I know and the most cynical and dark. You thrill me just enough. You and your barely suppressed rage.
La Belette Rouge, how goes the dog training? I know that's off topic, but I am curious how you're doing?
MrMacrum, It just looks like obstructionism to me--all of it coming from the right. And the right wing media does a better job of rabble rousing than we do.
She has "sit" totally down and she will come every time if we use a clicker( she will not come for her name). She will stay up to a minute if I do the stay command and turn my back. If I walk more than five steps away she will not stay. And, if I tell her to stay and face her she is not as successful.
We are having trouble getting her to poop on the puppy pads(she is almost 90% successful on peeing on the pads). Any tips?
As for the non payment of taxes thingy--I'm thinking Caroline Kennedy was aghast at peeking into anyone's taxes. It was one of the things she balked at in her bid to be Junior Senator from New York. She was one of the vetters. I'm completely willing to lay that failure at her feet. Before we tar all Dems with a failure to pay taxes, work in an industry or business where you are contract labor of some sort and have no taxes taken out for you by an employer--you have to hire a good tax accountant to do your taxes. You sign the return and unless you get audited you call it good. I think that's what a lot of this is about.
Right now I owe back taxes on my property. By the time the taxes are due again, I will have paid my taxes and be up to date, but if you investigated my tax records now, I owe taxes.
we didn't start the fire..... i love being part of history :)
La Bellette Rouge, Do you take her out first thing in the morning and last thing at night? I have always been a bit harsh with my puppies about any peeing or pooping in the house. They learn very quickly mommy doesn't like certain things. But I am very praising of anything I think of as well behaved and happy doggy love. I provided chew toys, and always discouraged any clothing chewing. I did not want my favorite Manolos to become chew toys.
Nice piece Ghost.
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