Cal sent me these two photos to show me the effect I had on him. The first picture is of Cal a few months before he met me, the second is a photo of Cal a few months after meeting me.
This sweet, innocent young man was toyed with by a careless, wounded girl and then she disappeared.
I hope the old woman is no longer careless because she doesn't want this man to have to join the French Foreign Legion.

Travel to France as a couple is another thing all together
Haha those pictures are great :)
Stay tuned for the next heart-pounding episode.
Glad you guys are enjoying this. It's about to kill me. I have so much to do before tomorrow. I have been on my hands and knees scrubbing every inch if my cottage. But all it takes to frustrate me in this job is one visit from Roscoe the amazing shedding yellow lab. Fuck me. I'll be dead by tomorrow.
Good luck to you, Utah!
Glad I wasn't around back then, you might have come through my town and I'd have ended up joining the army.
It might be too late, but have you thought about draping plastic over everything until Cal comes over?
I think most young men joining the military have a case of blue balls. to a greater or lesser degree. depending on the particulars. hang in there, Cal! love your cary grant army chin!
Just in case Cal wants to stay the night (shut up all of you, it's snowing) I bought him his very own, brand new Oral B soft bristle toothbrush. He might think it would be presumptuous to bring one with him. But in case he gets snowed in, or something, I have one for him if he ever needs it. And a spare toothbrush is always a good thing to have. Is this bad etiquette? I haven't spent any time with a man in a real long time. I no longer know what's presumptuously too sexy pushy or polite or even just considerate. Life is so complicated these days.
There is a change in menu--eggplant was not available today, flank steak was, so it's marinated broiled flank steak, mashed potatoes, french bread, salad. But what to do about dessert? I hope this meal isn't boring, I so want him to like me.
ok, keep the Oral B unopened in its orig pkg, but ... leave it visible in the bathroom ... it's just a spare toothbrush that you haven't used yet ... unless ...
sorbet is a simple dessert ... and it cleanses the palate ... and dot dot dot ...
I have not been around for awhile, but I return and am so richly rewarded.
This made me smile!
Sounds serious Hon, have fun! Enjoy it this time as I know you will!
DK thank you for this invaluable suggestion re the toothbrush.
Fran, so glad to see you and I'm glad I left you smiling.
Hi James. Yes, I'll have a good time if the stress doesn't kill me first.
Sorbet is a great idea especially with fresh fruit or a very light, thin cookie. Spare toothbrush is always handy.
No need for worry. He already likes you - just enjoy the anticipation.
this is all very sweet, dear woman...I am hoping it all goes exactly as you hope (and I have a feeling it will!) ;)
ice cream and chocolate cake! or cupcakes....somehow those seem sexy? hmm...
I have chocolate ice cream?
all I can say is YEAHHHHHHHH
Hope you 2 enjoy yourselves
Hi Pido, I'm so glad you're cheering for us. How would we fail with all this support?
Fascinating - thanks for sharing. I'm a sucker for a good love story - especially one with this kind of history...
But is it a love story? Stay tuned... (I will.)
Has anyone thought I might be making this up? I do write you know. I could be working out a story, trying to see what works on you. All these little details could be just details. Yes, I did go shopping today, but didn't you think "flank steak" was a little too obvious?
Have you considered that we all might just be playing along with the story, dear Utah? After all, we may be 'in your movie', but you are also in ours.
'I no longer know what's presumptuously too sexy pushy or polite or even just considerate.'
Matters not. Undoubtedly you share a degree of generational bond, and presumably he shares your sense of social mores and decorum as a result.
Now stop overthinking this, or you'll end up in a quandary or something.
Any way at all, Utah, it's a damn good story... You have suspended any hints of disbelief in your readers and we are all rooting for a happy ending for our protagonists.... I guess that means there are going to be some conflicts and tensions arising?!
Forty years ago it wasn't blue balls that caused guys to join the military, it was the draft. By enlisting you had more of a chance to pick a job that wasn't cannon fodder. If you got drafted you didn't have a choice.
Kulkuri, Our boy Cal enlisted and became a medic. He ended up in Germany where there were opportunities for travel when R&R, so he is a very well traveled guy. He met a Danish beauty in his travels, fell in love and married her. Wife number one.
Darkblack You're so perceptive and such a lovely teasing scamp.
Giggles, I love your attitude, it's all good--whether it's just a fantasy, complete fiction or the real deal, you like the story. That's all that matters in the end, isn't it?
I'm dying to know what he looks like now because he's quite handsome.
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