Wednesday, March 11, 2009

For Tengrain

Tengrain, you always thrill me and after you, who?


Tengrain said...

I'm sorry you couldn't see it at my place.

Oh well, it is the thought that counts.



Utah Savage said...

It is indeed.

Randal Graves said...

I hope you're simply not using Tengrain to get to Boner.

Utah Savage said...

Tengrain? Boner? Are you projecting again Randal? And did you mean "get to" or "get a?" Were you referring to that asshat John Boner? How dare you mention that prick when I'm trying to woo Tengrain? Nothing ruins a good fantasy romance than talk of Boehner.

zoe said...

You are still my favorite. You sleep with the Big Dog.
TG is nothing. The 60's are.....

Love, SnuffDoggyDog