Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Personal Face Of AIG

Lulu Maude has written a piece about how the collapse of AIG has affected her personally. It is such a clear explanation of the cost of this debacle on the very real personal individual life of one of our own and our neighbors and friends lives, I beg you to go read this piece.


enigma4ever said...

thank you for this...I adding her to my posts today...

enigma4ever said...

oye- I meant to say I am linking to her...

Utah Savage said...

Thanks for reading her story. I think it's really important, because it's the story of millions of us. She blogs, but think of all those who just suffer this without the support network blogging offers us.

Gail said...

She told her story so well, so easy and tragic to read. thanks for posting this Utah. She is one voice speaking for millions.
What do we do? How do we stop this?


katbo said...
Our taxes are paying these assholes. It is time for a tax revolt in this country.