Rather than list and link you all inside this post I will list and link you all in a line. I know some of you have already received and passed this award on. See? I have one thanks to Susan. La Belette Rouge sent one to Susan and to Lisa, or Lisa got hers from Susan. Who knows? This award does not require that you do any more than post it and be happy that you are part of the Sisterhood. If however you too want to pass it on--please do. Freida and Scarlet wish to remain incognito, but their out there. My not linking them is to protect their privacy.
If you don't see your name here, please keep in mind I'm both crazy and a little bit senile. Help me out, scream at me--I'm hard of hearing too. I'll correct the omission. Because I love you all and you're all pretty to me.
Linda Sama
Non, Je Ne Regrette Rienne
Blue Gal
Border Explorer
Linda's Vulture Peak Muse
Madame Z
The Crow
E, The StarSpangledHaggis
La Belette Rouge
Diva Jood
Yay! I won!
You like me! You really like me!!
Too over the top? Okay, I'll take it down a notch...
Thanks so much for this lovely award. I appreciate it! :)
Have a great day!!
Oh, thank you!!!!!
Your recognition is very much appreciated!!! (And needed....I'm so blue....)
Now, I have no idea how to post it?!
I feel so left out. Oh well, at least my gender runs the world. Muahahahahahaha, etc.
Oh wow!
I looked down the line of names holding my breath - I am amongst the great of the greatest and you at the helm!! Wow.
Thanks Utah - :-)
Love Gail
Randal I seriously thought of including you. Big pussies work for me as women. And you do not run the world for long buster.
thank you !!!
too cool!
and so are you. : )
Thank you, Utah. You know I love being part of the Sisterhood of Awesome Bloggers.
I think we need satin jackets with a logo. Hmmmmm......
Giggles - if you still need help posting, let me know and I can try to help you.
Lisa, put me down for a satin jacket. Could we get Susan to design the art work on them?
I appreciated your being in the bloggerhood here. Thanks for the award!
Lib, have you noticed how much we look alike in our Obamicon Avatars?
I'm in good company, sistah, thanks....
as I once again think about shutting down the Ageless Hippie Chick....
Linda why? Two blogs too much? Even if you kept the Yoga blog, I would miss the ageless hippie chick.
I am so happy to be one of your sisters. You have a lovely family of bloggers!
Oh now this is REAL honor :))
Ghost, my honorary sister. Thanks.
Just making a comment to give Randal some company. But the minute someone breaks out the "Sex in the City" DVD I'm running for the hills.
Thanks, honey!
I've been working on my "Leather and The Tuscaderios" type jacket all night long. Isn't there some sort of special hand gesture we should come up with as well?
I know what you're thinking....
(((Hugs))) Laura
hey, sis...just want to share this blog with you...
some good stuff....
all you sisters rock!
Dcap, how kind of you to say. We do rock, don't we?
I'm on bended knee (sort of) thanking you immensely. You are truly the best. And such wonderful company. Have a good one! I've got my sandals on enjoying the 73* temps. Won't last for sure - but the sandals will stay on now.
Holy shades of Twilight Zone - we were corresponding at the same time.
Synchronicity is a very good thing. Like lucid dreaming.
I was thinking about buying old wedding gowns to cut up and paint. They'd make pretty cool Sisterhood costumes, don't you think? Quelle parade!
You're keeping unnaturally quiet over here. Are you up to something?
I am up to something. I have stories swirling in my head. And I had a party with four of my favorite women, two of whom I've known since the early '60. I have a bit of a fun hangover. My ribs are sore from laughing. And I think I have a guest blogger lined up. So yes, things are brewing.
Thanks for the lovely award and the linky love!
thanks, sister utah.
you know, i visit you every day. seriously. yes, i'm a stalker. i'm just keeping my mouth shut (for the most part). in fact, i'm even keeping my brain shut down because i can't handle anything that would upset my difficult-to-maintain equilibrium.
Anita I understand and still I love you so much. You ever want to talk email me. I'm giving you space, but I'm always there too.
Utah, I'm proud to call you "Sistah." I think of you as the worldly sister in my family. Thanks much for the link, too. Mwah! xoxo
and here I thought you'd gone and forgotten me ... this is the next best thing to being an adopted daughter... merci bien!
Finally by to pick up and post this nice little award.... Thanks very much...(and wish me luck!)
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