There is a growing call to Impeach Judge Bybee. It's about damn time. Then charge and convict him. Then do all the little things he dreamed up in his fevered and tiny brain to drive prisoners insane, brain dead, broken--do all these things to him. Do them all once at least and supervised by trained professionals from Gitmo with a doctor present to make sure, if he's really unable to breathe, he gets a tracheotomy. Oh yeah, give him the full panoply of tortures of which he seemed so fond. Then ask him if he's been tortured. And then ask him if this treatment of prisoners should be legal.
This is the the very ordinary face of evil. This clean cut, well educated, Mormon asshole wrote the torture memos and then was rewarded for it with a seat on the bench of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. I'm surprised he didn't get a Medal of Honor too.
It's amazing to me how the right wingnuts are redefining Webster's definition of "torture." I'm sick of their lame explanation that "they have made sure this country is more safe because of this treatment." Gag me!!! In a perfect world these asswipes will be prosecuted...we will have to wait and see - and speak loudly to our representatives.
Sorry about the closet cleaning. I feel better, but don't want you to hurt yourself. If I could make it out there, I would help you!
Yeah, so far it's between coloring my hair and cleaning out my closet. I'm rather more inclined to the hair coloring, but I have to wash dishes first. And I have more news to watch and miles to go before I sleep. In my mind that is.
"Yale law school Dean Harold Koh has called it (the Bybee memo) 'perhaps the most clearly erroneous legal opinion I have ever read' which 'grossly overreads the president's constitutional power'.
Former Nixon White House counsel John Dean.......concluded that the memo is tantamount to evidence of a war crime."
(Isn't Wikipedia a great thing?!)
I love John Dean
Excellent! I'm all for ridding our judicial system of this complete and utter whack-job. Thanks Utah for the find!
Nothing as creepy and wrong as a smug bureaucrat.
Good post.
"This is the ordinary face of evil."
Excellent post! We need to recognize it, name it when we see it, and then do what needs to be done.
hear, hear!
Bah. Everyone knows that evil has horns, a twirly moustache while sporting a black hat.
why is is that the word
'right wing' is so often followed by 'wing nut'?...bastids.
they are trying to redefine torture. it makes me really sick, physically sick.
I like your site their Utah. Read th first couple of posts and I can see we are on the same page. I like your commenters too! Smart folk all around this country.
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