Yes, I know, it's hard to believe, but Megan is a chip off the old block. She swears, she blusters, she puffs up with her own delusions of relevance and gets her rage on in tweets. Andrew Malcome (my favorite LA times blogger and big time twitteratti) tells the tawdry details in yesterdays news. That's how I like this kind of news. Stale. And with a link about Megan not only going apeshit but prevaricating while doing it. See what I mean? She's a real chip off the old block.
For the actual transcript of the terrible twitter tantrum follow this trail to The Wonkette. For Andrew Malcome's blog and more of the little details see the excerpt below or check out my side bar. I have my morning coffee with Andrew.
Using her Twitter account, which limits users to 140-character messages, McCain produced a lengthy series of angry Tweets -- some using the #$%&!* word.
They detailed her numerous life activities starting with volunteer tutoring at 16 and helping receive flowers at a hospital desk and internships and moving up through writing a children's book and founding "my multi-award-winning website mccainblogette.com, which is officially the first blog in history to document a presidential campaign." (Her father's, of course.)
No no no please do not worry!Not me....this time! Ha!
OMG. She has SO accomplished things and done jobs and all. 4real.
i'm enjoying the hell out of it.
i'd love to be a little fly on the wall and overhear the conversations between her and her parents!
"This led Meghan to a churn out a 9-twat-long rant" Looks like Colbert coined a new word for Twitter when he said he had 'twatted'. It is nice to see the circular firing squad in action!!
She is ALL CLASS, that one. Ugh.
bubs, like you left out like the word like. is that 140?
A GOP heiress that swears like a long shoreman?
Tell me it ain't so...
Well, this is amusing. No wonder they call it TWITter
My honest scrap is up.
I thought it was Paris Hilton for a moment.
Sarah, thaks for telling me you're fine.
Bubs, like I'm so glad like you think she's like 4real.
Sherry, Yeah, I wonder if C word also swears like a longshoreman or me. I bet Megan is one spoiled little heiress.
Kulkuri, Steven can mock us, but my twatts are very tweety and Jon Stewart might be my next best buddy, so there.
Lemmy, She's all upper class, don't you mean?
Randal you're like way too intelligent and like snobish and like all that with your books and like that. There are too some like really cool tweeters but not like all wordy and all. No what I mean?
Tengrain, We could go tweet her up. What do you say? Up for a gang tweet?
I think it very appropriate. Meghan McCain, a GOP heiress whose money is tied up in a beer distribution company, swears like Joe Six-Pack.
Wee Mousie, It is just like that. Maybe she'll marry Joe the Plumber.
twitter......or as cheryl on the view calls them..
If she was half as important as she thinks she is.
Still, I like her Coultergeist comment...
How are you, dearest Maggie.
Stella, I've missed you. Hows the work life? I keep track of your postings, but I'm paying real close attention to what prosecutors are saying and the word is let the interrogators and lawyers start talking. Hope Cheney keeps talking. Keep the public focus on the torture memos and get all the evidence clear analyzed and ready then pounce. I know I'm off topic for this particular post, but I just wrote about Bybee, that mormon prick who wrote the torture memos. Now a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge. No ethics at all. And dumb. That sure seems to be a trend in the Bush crowd--they are all profoundly dumb.
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