It must be Tom. Last time I talked to him, he was calling me from an Airport somewhere like Dallas or Miami sitting on the plane to Costa Rica. It was only the flight attendant's last announcement that got him to hang up. Oh the miracle of the Cell Phone! I may yet go to my grave never having owned one. I will be the last hold out. I do not want to be always available, always accessible, always on call. For awhile, when I was still hot as a talent, my agent insisted I needed either a cell phone or a pager. I opted for the pager.
When Tom last called he said he was going to Costa Rica for a month. That was at least six months ago or more. But with the birthday season approaching; if he's alive, he'll call. For two months, I'm older than he is. He seems to like that two month period when he is a younger old man. I hope the reason he's stayed so long in Costa Rica this time is Love with a capital L. Tom is a man who seems to need a woman in his life. It would be a shame if he chose to spend his time traipsing through the lives of the wives and lovers of his past. It's nice he still seems fond of us, but it would be better for him to actually live with a woman who loves him. I like to see him with another woman, one he really loves, one he can risk introducing to the rest of us.
My childhood seems to have made me immune to reciprocal romantic love. I might be in love, but I could never afford to weather the bad times and make it work. I ran at the slightest provocation. I left every man I ever loved.
you and me on the cell phone...i refuse...first of all it's an impostion to have to answer who ever is calling where ever you're at...second? im always losing shit, and i'd really be pissed if i got one of them expensive little fuckers and then lost it..or dropped it in the terlet..sigh*...
my first marriage lasted 7 years..but only because i was to fucking dumb to leave..after that?..3 years was about as long as i could take..i'd figure out all there was to know in 3 years and then...bored..and your ooutof here..i haven't had sex in 23 years..and beer in 18..i miss the beer more.
What a terrific comment YDG. Exactly! I gave up the spirits long ago for bipolar drugs, but take away my pot and I'd cry like a baby. And since I left all my partners, I didn't shed a tear.
Hey Utah... I'm younger, so I bet I can go without a cell phone longer! (tee-hee) ;-P
Except for the fact that when my kids get a little older....I'm gonna want the GPS device that cell phones have in them to know exactly where they are every minute of every day....sigh....
Betcha I go longer than you without a cell phone.
It could be Tom. Or it could be CIA.
that looks like you in the stock photo. is it?
Giggles aren't you glad your parents didn't have a GPS tracking device on you? This is part of the reason I don't want a cell phone, I don't want to be tracked.
Randal, speaking about the CIA, I have the vague recollection of hearing this morning, before I was quite awake, that the Pres. opened the door to investigating Cheney and other evil doers for waterboarding two detainees just for the fun of it. And someone leaked from the NSA that Representative Jane Harmon was making some kind of deal with a lobbyist. Let the wiretap leaking begin. Maybe now there will be a congressional push to shut the wiretaps down.
Lib, it could have been me. But if it was me, I have no recollection of the shoot.
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