Seems I have a number of Jewish Mothers out there. And just for all of you, I'll post evidence of my time outside, because it would be so easy to lie to you and say I did when I didn't. I can be a stubborn contrarian. But I do feel that your suggestions that I get out and about are meant to do me some good. I should not always rebel against everyone just on general principal. When I saw
Rebel Without A Cause, I really understood the impulse implied in that title. And having spent a lifetime wanting to be the best girl in the world, and so pissed off that at the same time I wanted to be perfect, I also wanted to say "fuck you" to every person who ever tried to tell me what to do. This might have something to do with the three failed marriages.
Anyway, If you want me today, I'm out in the garden.
Thanks for the email
Soairse Daily2
So as to spare myself a F.U. I will refrain from reminding you to apply your SPF15.;-) Sun does help as much as I try to live my life as a human mushroom( curtains drawn and lights off).
We need more vitamin D than the USDA says we do. If you can get it, a half an hour of sun (without sunscreen) is really good for you. After that you can slather on all the sunscreen you want. I speak from personal experience of course. And having Native American blood in you, if you are like me, you will tan and not burn anyway.
La Belette Rouge, I too tend to treat myself as if I were human mushroom. But I have been told in no uncertain terms to get some sun. And I have an enourmous garden that is long overdue for some serious weed pulling, tulip clipping, etc.
Lib, you have that right. The only time I got a sunburn was at the end of 9 hours in the sun on a lake. Usually I just brown very nicely, like you sister dear.
A favorite Jewish Grandmother Story:
Down in Miami, Oma Joyce was babysitting her grandson at the beach one day, when a huge, freak wave swept the boy into the sea and out of sight. Joyce, of course, was distraught, and fell to her knees in grief, begging God to bring the boy back. Miraculously, another huge, freak wave washed ashore and brought the boy back, almost right to the beach-blanket. Joyce grabbed her grandson ecstatically, then raised her eyes to Heaven: "He had a hat, you know..."
Anent pigmentation:
I am fair-skinned, blue-eyed, (dark) blonde-haired son of the Celtic forests, English fens, and Scots moors. I burn quickly, especially under the hot sun of this altitude (about a mile at my house). I slather with block, wear long sleeves in summer if I'm gonna be out long (though I do wear shorts), and hats...I have a dozen or so, plus caps...
I am a surfer, come to it late in life, but no less permanently than a lad born in the brine. I have far, far too little melanin for the beach, though I love it so...
I watch the waves for hours...like a wine connoisseur watching grapes grow...
Hi Woody, welcome to my world.
Oh my gosh I understand. I have always struggled with fitting in/wanting to be myself issues!
Enjoy the sunshine. Think happy thoughts and dance a silly dance (if only in your mind)!
If you ever want to drop the FU's in a tirade...I have broad shoulders - send 'em my way. I'm so glad you will be mingling with the weeds and flowers - have a lovely day my dear. We had sun this morning, but it has been gobbled up by clouds now...yuck! But I love the breeze.
I like being a human mushroom. Cutting the grass and pulling weeds is enough sun for me.
What's this about F.U.s? Who are we verbally assaulting today?
TheMom, I'd never F U.
Randal, so you've noticed I've been verbally abusing you wherever I go?
Some days you just have to love the freedom to stick up your digit and express how you feel.
NHNT, Hi. And yes, I used to employ that middle digit with abandon. And after flashing it to my first love/last love one too many times, I decided to holster that digit forever unless I'm alone and watching the news. Then I make good use of it alone the the shouted F U. Oh yes, I still got game.
Ghost, So good to see you. That was not the Sunshine I was expecting thank god. This was far more interesting than the song Sunshine on you shoulders makes you happy. I think that was a John Denver "classic" cough cough. Saccharine makes me want to puke. So bless you for sparing me saccharine.
Just rediscovering my digit.
Reminds me of the definition of Hallway Sex:
When a couple first gets together, they tend to have sex in every room in the house. After a couple of years, it's only the bedroom. Eventually they only have hallway sex. What is hallway sex? Hallway sex is when you pass each other in the hallway and say F U.
I kept my digit holstered for way too many years.
NHNT, when I was your age, half my conversations with whichever husband I was chained to, ended with the flashed digit and the forceful "Fuck you!" or "Go fuck yourself!" or "Fuck off!" It did not create an atmosphere where I was likely to get good sex at home. But then I'd have been less likely to flash that digit if I'd been getting anything but selfish, lazy, boring sex at home. So... Glad to be the one solely responsible for the quality of my sex at home.
If I at least had good sex or even sex at all or the minimum of affection or conversation, it might have worked out. After many years of being ignored and taking it, I decided if I was going to be miserable, might as well be miserable by myself than with someone who put me on a shelf and let me gather dust. Only took me the last 6 years to reach that point.
Congratulations dear! I allowed the desperate need of the men who pursued me to with their need to have an ornamental woman willing to scrub the toilet and be there ever available whether wanted or not tethered to you by marital obligation convince me that marriage is an anachronism these days. Most women work whether married or not, so why the yoke? Why not the agreement to see each other when you both agree and want to. Separate living quarters suites me well, and my own gated guarded compound suits me best of all.
I'm glad that you decided to go outside.
Me, I'm an inside person. But the "Italian Mother" in me..(believe me, we're just as bad as the jewish ones) is happy you went out. Now mangia, mangia!!!! Sorry, just had to make sure I got a bit of the sterotype in there for good measure! And I am half Sicilian so you really don't want to eff with me.
Hmmm... I'm not sure what the hell I'm going on about. I'm single moming it this week. I'm exhausted!!!
P.S. I seriously need to snag that picture. Hope you don't mind.
It's just so ... me!
Soairse sent it to me in an email. So like all things bloggy I used it and linked to Soairse, you steal it and say where you found it and the link goes on. Since it's so you, you should post it on your sidebar.
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