I woke up being kissed on the lips. Prince Charming? No, just Marley. I looked at the clock to see if I should be mad or not and it was 9:30. That's a reasonable hour no matter what my body says, so I got up took the dogs out and had my coffee. I made a list of the things I'd like to accomplish today, but so far (its about 3:45) I have had three visitors. And I've been invited to a neighborhood barbeque this evening. This calls for a nap.
I love that picture of you. Marley sounds like such a sweet dog, Utah. I'm glad you took her in.
Hi Utah=
What a great way to begin a day! And great picture of you! :-)
I was up at 6:30 - I work on Saturdays. ugh. No complaints though and actually my son is home and he drove me in and we had the best chat. And then he picked me up after work and we went for pizza and a beer. And tomorrow we are judges at a wine tasting event at my good friend's house. How cool is that? And Monday is a family barbecue at my sister's and Mom's place. So I loved hearing of your plans and perfect Saturday and it made me feel really greatfull so I just spewed out stuff I am SO happy to be doing.
Hope that's okay.
Happy Memorial Day
Love Gail
P.S. There are some pictures of me and my Mom and my sister on the post before the latest one if you want to take a "look-see". :-) Oh and one more thing, I have had a couple of glasses of wine. :-)
How adorable, a sleep mask so we can't see you!!! I'm so happy that Mawley (I love the New England version) is doing so well. I see a change in you with all that puppy love. Have a great weekend.
A barbecue sounds good. So does puppy love.
The dog I grew up with had a habit of french kissing you if you weren't careful. Quickly one learned not to lie flat on the ground if you didn't want that degree of intimacy.
in my world just about everything calls for a nap!
Now that's my kind of "productive" day.
Sounds like Mawley is falling into place knowing which side of the door is for *doing business*.
Good thing the giant dogs are mellow, or Mawley would be in trouble!
There's nothing like having thoughtful friends.
Let me leave a "Randal comment..."
"Is that your secret to splendiferous excellence in blogstasticy, a blindfold?"
say what you will - but there is nothing like a dog as your friend.
Dr. Bee, I lost my splendiferousness about 8 years ago. Honestly, I had it and then I lost it, just like that. Snap and It was gone. Beware, on can loose splendiferousness. One can grow fat and boring. It can happen to anyone overnight. Blink of an eye. Gone, just like that. So yes, a sleep-mask is the best I can do on short notice and without photoshop skills. I now have to resort to some gimmick to grab attention. One can't be good all the time you know.
marley is better than any alarm clock you could have around...naps are good.
Wow! What cool sunglasses.
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