Reuters, AP, Handout photos
Clockwise from top left, Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla.; Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla.; Rep. Mary Bono Mack, R-Calif.; Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas; Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.; Rep. John Campbell, R-Calif.
Are they kidding? I wonder how many of these idiots are members of the very special, secret family at the C Street "Church?" Let me check. I'll get back to you on that.
Inhofe is a "live-in" at C Street. He has even claimed status as a preacher to hide confidentialities. dickhead. Of course no women are privvy to this exclusive racist, neo-fascist group. I just posted about this sect - and it really chaps my ass! Other than that...have a great day!
"...it really chaps my ass! ...have a great day!
TheMom you're the best! Want to move to Canada with me? eh?
Better idea Utah. Let's move THEM to Canada...nah, not fair to Canada.
I am fed the fuck up with these morons. As I've said on several blogs about these shitheads, it would not matter if he was born on the frigging moon. His mother was a U.S. Citizen. The same with John McCain...he was born in Panama...not the Canal, but, PANAMA, of U.S. PARENTS...hello.
Now that's a bunch of ninnies if ever I saw one. Evil ninnies, but ninnies all the same.
mary bono? that's too weird. wonder what cher has to say about that?
Mary Bono Mack is so brain dead that you'd swear she was the one who smacked into a tree and not her late husband, Sonny.
I'm betting Mary Bono Whatever is getting back at her flamboyant ex-rival, Cher.
I'm so embarrassed: two out of this six-pack of Grassy Knoll Nuts come from California!
FB-ed, BTW!
SURPRISE! I'm starting to blog again. I hope you're not angry at my lack of communcation. There has been a lot going on. I missed your wisdom, as well as all the brilliant commentators. I have a great story for all of you. You've probably heard it already, but I love telling it again.
Sen. Jim Inhofe? When Senator Jerk Off from OK kept trying to interrupt Senator Boxer's proceedings on the Senate floor during the Al Gore environmental discussion. She bombed him good.’
Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) has said Al Gore is “full of crap” and compared people who believe in global warming to “the Third Reich.” During today’s Senate hearing, Inhofe used a considerable amount of time to attack Gore’s use of carbon offsets and try to convince him to sign a sham “energy ethics pledge.”
Committee chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-CA) finally intervened. “Would you agree to let the Vice President answer your questions?” Inhofe said Gore could respond when he was done talking, but Boxer wouldn’t have it: “No, that isn’t the rule. You’re not making the rules. You used to when you [had the gavel] Elections have consequences. I make the rules.”...
You go, girl! And at least we got rid of that ass, Pombo!
Now if we can just elect Jerry Brown for Governor in 2010...
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