Today I had the follow-up appointment with my hematologist. I went with trepidation, since last time I saw him it seemed I was facing a bone marrow test. I've heard this is a hellaciously painful test. I also know the the diseases they're looking for are bad and worse. There is no good thing that they are likely to find when taking bone marrow, since what they're looking for are mostly autoimmune diseases that range from bad to dire.
Today they had the results of my abdominal ultrasound which showed normal spleen and liver. The only problem they found was several gall stones. I have no symptoms of gall stones--no pain, no nausea, no vomiting. And even better than that news, was the news that my platelet count is up. It's not normal yet, but it's better than it was two weeks ago.
From now on I will have an appointment with Dr Frame, my sweet, cute, friendly hematologist every three months to monitor my platelet count. This means between my once a month appointment with my internist to check my clotting factor as well as the four appointments a year with the charming Dr Frame I'll be getting the best possible care. If he ever decides I have to have my bone marrow looked at, I'll know it will be an early diagnosis and that he will make sure it hurts as little as possible.
Hooray for Medicare, the best health insurance in this country! This is the public option I hope all of you get. I have never had any test or referral challenged by Medicare.
Some Postprandial Stupid?
2 hours ago
well i was waiting for something to be happy about.....
Glad to hear the promising news. I would love to have a Medicare type option for health care.
Yay! I'm so happy to hear this wonderful news.
Congratulations! ((BigHugs))
Thanks guys. I've worn myself out doing the happy dance. Now I'm going to take a nap. See you on the twitter, later.
I just completed a "happy dance" for you also. That is wonderful news. I wish I had medicare as well. I won't go to the doctor because I have to pay for all office visits, prescriptions, tests, etc. I only have 80% major medical. This sucks, because I have had a headache for three weeks now. Oh well - this is about you - grab a restful nap and enjoy the evening!!
Alleluia!!!!! You are in good hands - I am SO relieved for you. Amen
Love and hope
What kind of auto-immune disease? I have one: Morphea Scleroderma. Kind of alarming at first, but it didn't kill me.
This is good news, indeed, Utah.
Should I be jealous of this Framer?
Naw, I don't think so.
Good news. Really good. So happy for you. I know you feel lighter.
I think that medicare is okay all in all. I don't think that all doctors and hospitals are okay though, if that was true my hernia would have been fixed last year.
So screw it, I just made a support belt for it, more likely than not something else will kill me before it does.
I'm pretty damn tired of living anyway so it is moot point to me.
Thanks for all the good wishes.
TheMom, I'm worried about you now. This is not good news. I'll be looking in now to see what's up.
Ten, that made me sob in a way too good way. Smooch, darling.
OUTSTANDING news! Breathe and sleep easier now, and enjoy yourself as much as you can. You deserve it after all you've been through of late. And don't fret cataract surgery. You'll see a whole new, bright, and much more colorful and vibrant world once you have it done. I couldn't believe the difference once I had mine done, and it was no big deal. So do it soon as you can, and you'll be glad you did!
Woo Hoo!!! We loves good news!
^5 & sigh of relief. Nice to hear this positive news.
Great news!
Glad to hear this. Very good news.
i'm so glad.
Yeah, great news - spending MY money, ya moocher. I want a free copy of your book when it's published.
I am glad to hear about your health. I'm sorry to hear about Cyrus's. My sons just lost their CHIP insurance recently, but it was also some of the best ever.
Much love to you, Utah.
what a relief!
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