I've been unfaithful to you. I know it comes as no shock to you and perhaps it's too late for apologies. You may have already packed and left by now. I can't say I didn't mean to... I can't say it meant nothing... We both know too well, by now, that every act has consequences. "It just happened" isn't good enough, but it just happened... I don't want to lose you; you mean too much to me. But so does he... It started as flirtation. Isn't that how it always starts? It's harmless, you say to yourself. It's just talk. Nothing can come of it. It's Spring, it's just the season. And then comes summer and you're in deeper. It's just a place I go when I want to get away, but the crowd's a lot of fun, and the conversation's hot and interesting, and then he appeared. It was a shock to see him there. I didn't expect it to make me feel this way. It was all very innocent at first and then... I started writing little stories to keep his interest and now it's turning into a book. I know it embarrasses you. It embarrasses me too, but I'm in too deep to stop. I'll try to keep these feelings out of sight and hidden away, but you know how it goes when you try to keep a secret... Sometimes things just spill over into the the other parts of your life...
Some Postprandial Stupid?
1 hour ago
That is a nice song and video, have fun and enjoy is all I can say!
A little Spring fever isn't going to drive me away!
I'm still not quite well from my bout with diverticulitis. This makes me very gnarly to deal with in person and on twitter. Twitter is where I get my moment to moment political fix. And since I used to be a political blogger this use of twitter has made the blog a place to explore other aspects of my inner life. I think some of my early followers might see that as an abandoning of my principles.
Odd, but I have gotten the same feeling. My blog started with me just being the opinionated asshole I always have been. Politics, Pop Culture, Religion, blah, blah blah. Then I discovered writing fiction. Some of the old readers stopped coming 'round.
Oh well. I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do. And so should you.
In my opinion the first person we should be writing for is ourselves.
MRMcrum, you speak the truth.
I loved your story. Hope you keep it up.
One should always write for themselves. There are six (seven?) billion fuckers out there. At least one of them is bound to dig it, too.
Hello there. I've been told to neither ask nor tell, except I don't have anything to tell.
Amazing weather we're having now. Spring, no fever! (finally)
That's a sweet and melancholy piece and a time and place for everything.
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