I started unearthing the stone work I did twenty years ago. And I mean that literally. For almost twenty years no one has been clearing leaves and other debris from the alley side of the little house. So all that debris has turned into soil that's been collecting on the old stone walkway. I began a small archeological dig and took pictures as I worked. I also began adding stones to the path to the main house, enlarging the area covered by brick. I have no idea why doing stone work is so enjoyable for me. When I began doing the this work back here twenty years ago I found it both satisfying and somewhat meditative. It's hard work but I love the final result. That's a good thing since I have a huge pile of bricks and all the work I did all those years ago has been shifted as tree roots have grown under the pavers, lifting them and making tripping hazards here and there. Making my patio area larger and better is going to be my summer project. Here are the photos of my efforts so far.
Some Postprandial Stupid?
1 hour ago
Beautiful. Especially love the last two pictures. Nothing like good, hard physical work to calm the mind.
Roscoe has it made.
Hi Susan, Roscoe does indeed have it made.
Bet you've got big muscles now, kid. Good, honest work.
lovely- my kind of stuff!
Darkblack, nice to see you here. I'm disgusted by my own lack of sociability. There's something terribly selfish about never leaving home. So my "good honest work" is going to be my excuse all summer for never visiting anyone. In my real life this tactic seems to have born fruit: No one visits me anymore.
Sherry, like you, I take pictures of the outdoors through a window with a screen or a screen door. Does this say something about our unwillingness to face the world without a barrier? When asked by my doctor why I don't walk, I say, "I feel too exposed out there."
When I run away from home, I want to come to your house. But I swear I won't stay long. Being a bit of a recluse myself, I know how unnerving company can be.
I had my first Twitter rush over the flotilla. It's a cool way to get news, but it starts to weigh on you pretty quickly.
PEN, I'd love a visit from you. Too bad I don't have a guest room. Christ, I don't even have a bedroom. And you'd probably find this much like camping: fun, if you can go to bed in a nice hotel.
with a flush toilet!
How's the plumbing holding up?
PEN, the plumbing is holding up so far. I hold my breath now and then when I flush or do laundry, but so far, no problems. And the boys are lovely. I think they'll work with me to keep this little paradise in good working order. They seem to really love it. They're very fond of Roscoe and Marly too. The William and Mary boy and his girlfriend like taking Marly and Roscoe for long walks in the evening. I'm sure they're going to miss Roscoe dog too.
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