The people of New York's 26th Congressional District have spoken and they're your kind of people. It's solidly Republican. Should have been a sure thing. Here's the thing you don't understand about fucking with the old people's Medicare and Social Security. Those old people have children who would have to take care of them if they didn't have Medicare to pay their medical bills and have Social Security to live on. We old people spent a lifetime paying into that trust fund. We worked like dogs paying taxes to earn our right to retire with a minimum of security and now you want to give us a voucher so we can try to find an insurance company that will cover our hip replacement or cancer treatment? Get real you morons! You want to privatize Social Security? Hand it over to the very people who tanked the housing market and pension funds this last time around? We may have short memories, but you bastards are still refusing to extend unemployment for the 99ers and you're still looking the other way while unscrupulous mortgage companies in cahoots with crooked bankers are busting into peoples homes claiming they're not current on their payments on their upside-down worthless houses and turning them out. Why should we trust you with something as personal as our health care?
We watched spellbound as your newly minted TeaParty driven GOP controlled House of Representatives flanked you as you rolled out your brave new solution to controlling the problem of the "exploding deficit" (which, by the way, happened under your watch under your GOPer President GWBush and his wars and his unfunded bullshitery and tax breaks for his rich cronies and unfunded Medicare part D (which I happen to like by the way—too bad you didn't raise taxes on the rich to pay for it, morons). You'd rather cut every single thing that helps children and old people, the unemployed and the poor while you roll back regulations that protect us from all the abuses of power that got us into the mess we're in while you keep in place tax breaks for the gluttonously rich and the biggest of the bussinesses—those who rape and pillage the earth and ship their profits off-shore and pay nothing in taxes. I hope you're happy now. Can you feel the cold wind of defeat blowing your perfectly coiffed hair? Is that a shiver of fear running down your spine?
Trudeau Promises Retaliation Against US Tariffs
3 hours ago
As usual, Utah, I couldn't agree more.
"You'd rather cut every single thing that helps children and old people, the unemployed and the poor while you roll back regulations that protect us from all the abuses of power that got us into the mess we're in while you keep in place tax breaks for the gluttonously rich and the biggest of the bussinesses—those who rape and pillage the earth and ship their profits off-shore and pay nothing in taxes."
That sentence should be plastered over every GOP advertisement where ever they are.
I think I'm back. Thanks for showing up my darlings.
Those old people have children who would have to take care of them if they didn't have Medicare to pay their medical bills and have Social Security to live on.
Of course, very few who live here in South Carolina would admit it but an increasing number are being forced to take care of their aging parents or send their kids to college. They cannot do both but they still bitch about the government boogieman in charge of their health insurance.
Glad to see you back and in fine form, too, I might add.
You may not like Ryan's view, but his position is correct.
The cost of Social Security and Medicare is growing far far faster than the revenue flowing in to pay the bills.
Your moral indignation does not over-ride the fact that we are spending more than we are collecting. That's the path to bankruptcy.
Inasmuch as that is the case, what should the nation do?
Where will we get the money to pay the Social Security and Medicare bills?
Your outrage may be well intentioned, but your comments about economic matters show only that you don't know much about economic matters.
Tax breaks? Every business gets "tax breaks," especially the new "green" businesses that are a million years from turning profitable. Therefore, the breaks they get boil down to direct subsidies from tax-payers.
In other words, they siphon away money that would otherwise pay for Social Security and Medicare.
As for profitable businesses? Raping and pillaging? You mean Microsoft? Or Apple. Both of them have profit margins of almost 25%.
You probably mean oil companies, the companies with profit margins of less than 10%.
If you want more funding for Social Security and Medicare, then you have to face reality and let businesses grow. Like it or not, global oil consumption will continue to grow.
We can find, drill, pump, refine and market more of our own oil. If oil companies are allowed to go for the easy oil here in the US, they will hire thousands and thousands of high-paid AMERICAN workers.
If we keep a limit on domestic oil drilling, then we will send more and more money to other countries to buy the product we have here in our own backyard.
Considering all the yelling and screaming about US companies sending jobs to China, etc, why is there no outcry when the government sends oilfield jobs to other countries?
Chrysler repaid its TARP money yesterday. How did that happen? It was able to repay the money because it sold a lot of big cars -- SUVs, etc. Vans and Jeeps. Not gas-sipping little cars. NOt hybrids. Big cars with big engines.
Buyers know what they want.
Meanwhile, the government now depends heavily on tax revenue from cigarettes. Thus, exploiting drug addicts is a legitimate basis for obtaining revenue to fund government spending programs.
It would devastate all government budgets if every smoker quit tomorrow. But our elected officials know that won't happen, so they'll continue to raise tobacco taxes.
You wrote:
We old people spent a lifetime paying into that trust fund.
There is NO "Trust Fund."
Social Security and Medicare are "pay as you go" accounts.
Every day tax revenue flows in, and every day Social Security checks and Medicare bills are paid out.
But the money flowing OUT is growing much faster than the money flowing IN.
Medicare and Medicaid are the big consumers of cash outflows.
How do you propose to reduce medical expenses enough to balance the INFLOW with the OUTFLOW?
You can cut coverage. Or you can raise taxes.
If you cut coverage, voters will scream.
If you raise taxes, more jobs will leave the country.
Or you can ask all doctors, nurses and all other healthcare professionals to take huge pay cuts. Will that work?
IN countries with universal healthcare, the healthcare professionals earn less than they earn here. Moreover, those countries have imposed low limits on malpractice lawsuits.
Furthermore, those countries do not permit freeloading by millions of illegal immigrants.
Being born in Germany or France or Japan is not a ticket to citizenship and free medical care.
As for the Financial Crisis. YOu can thank Congress for making it legal for lenders to give vast sums to people with lousy credit ratings, no jobs and NO downpayment money.
Congress turned real estate into a casino where the players were invited in and given the casino's money to speculate on housing.
If the house value increased, the player was a winner. If the house price declined, the player could walk away and hand the keys to the casino operator. Another win for the player.
All those years that Social Security ran a surplus, they were more than willing to spend the surplus on other things like wars and whatnot. Now that it looks like the surpluses are ending and they might have to raise taxes (can't have that, the owners won't like it), now it's a problem. The simplest thing they could do to make SS solvent for decades to come is to remove the cap on earnings. If I had to pay taxes on every dollar I made, everybody can do the same!!! Like the old joke about the guy that walks in a bar and says, "When I drink, everybody drinks." After the drinks, he says, "When I pay, everybody pays!!"
I heart you seems a little mushy. I agree seems not enough. How about, hell yes!
Slaps, you have become little more than a troll like the pissed off conservatives on twitter who can't stand losing an argument and finally resort to calling me stupid. We do not agree on anything. You're a follower of the Milton Freedman school of economics. You like Ayn Rand. I think you're hopelessly lost and on the wrong side of history. I want you to leave my space and never return. I'm asking as nicely as I can given the intensity of the animosity I feel for your wrong headed thought. But if you continue haranguing me I'll just dump your comments in the trash can and be done with you.
I couldn't agree more either, and in fact I did:
Another IGNORANT, COWARDLY demoRATIC RANT. UTAH just needs another MALE hormone shot to calm down. :)
Slapps is right. He's not haranguing you, he's speaking his mind and quite eloquently I think. If you can't take it, you shouldn't have your angry little blog.
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