I've been longing for some new art. I've grown used to the pieces hanging on my walls and hardly give them a glance anymore. I've also lamented the mostly rather primitive works of art that we give one another when we want to pay homage to our favorite bloggers. Susan at Phantsythat is a remarkable artist and talented writer. And it seems Randal asked her for a painting. It amazes me that those with extraordinary artistic gifts so seldom see themselves as the enormous talents they in fact are. Prior to this, the prettiest award being passed around was the Marie Antoinette award given to me and others by Liquid Illusion. My first award was the E for Excellent award and I treasure it, then I got the Rebel Grrrl award, and that thrilled me because it was finally acknowledged, and celebrated. Halleluia!
I'm a woman who never won anything prior to blogging. So now I love the awards. I can't get enough of them. I was amazed that in this particular time of economic peril anyone would think Marie "let them eat cake" Antoinette was a fitting award, but she is pretty, you've got to give her that. And it does make one think of the French Revolution and the quite literal toppling of a corrupt regime. Which of course makes me think of the guillotine. What a lovely word for such a fierce and fatal final execution. And there sits Madame Defarge, on a stool, knitting as the heads roll off the block and into a basket at her feet. I, being somewhat old, no longer lovely, and rather bloody-minded at this point in our nation's history, feel rather more Madame Defarge-like and would like to see some rough justice for the rulers who brought us to our knees, forced some of us to lose our homes and cars and livelihood. I'm wanting to see the Bush administration, the entire pack of liars and thieves beheaded, and I would sit smiling as I knit and watch the heads roll. Oh yes I would. Am I nice? No, not so much. Did I ever claim to be? Where is my sense of forgiveness? Killed long ago.
"But didn't you say you don't believe in capital punishment?" Well, yes I did say that. But that's because so many people on death row were not rich enough to hire world class legal teams to defend them. And the "justice" system is filled with republican justices appointed by republican regimes, and the prisons are now so often privately owned and operated and are crying "poor me, I need more prisoners to justify the hefty profits I make running these mighty fine prisons you pretty much gave me"--like the ones in Texas that are owned by the Chenneys and looked over by the likes of Alberto "I don't recall" Gonzales. It must have been some mighty horrific conditions and abuses of power that prodded a Texas grand jury to charge both Dick Chenney and Alberto Gonzales. Remember that Texas is the state George Bush governed and calls home. Now that takes balls, Texas. Good on ya. I'm not so embarrassed to have been born there now, if only for a moment or two. Oh how I'd like to see those two heads roll. Let's open another bottle of wine and toast that thought.
Anyway, to get back to art. Susan has painted a Heart Mandala and is giving it as a blogger award. And Randal Graves and the Boarder Explorer and I are three of it's first recipients. There will no doubt be more. And maybe this will open my heart chakra a little. But forgiveness for those criminal bastards will be a little harder to accomplish. Nothing less than a War Crimes Trial will do. Maybe I do have a trip left in me. Lets all meet up at the Hague when the time comes. And to celebrate after the convictions, I say we spend at least a couple of days in Amsterdam.
These people may never be punished for their crimes, but at least we will be rid of them in another couple months.
The real goal for us is to not make the same mistakes again, ever.
well, well, sis, I did not know you knew about chakras! I teach special yoga classes that are all chakra based....
and I collect mandala prints....
hey, sis, I finally answered the music thing -- check out the Ageless One and leave a comment or two!
Susan is an incredibly talented person. Thrice talented in art, writing and heart.
I kinda like the awards too. I'll be passing the bloggie love around with it one of these days when I feel more inspired. I'm kinda battling SAD already. It's been bitterly cold around these parts.
Be well, dear Utah
Pagan, I'm so sorry to hear you're having a hard time. I was starting to slide into my usual winter funk too. I'm now battling the first virus I've had in probably three years. I was pretty smug about being free of colds and flu since my mother died three years ago, and now, not so much smugness.
I couldn't sleep last night. I didn't even try to go to bed until 5 AM, and then didn't go right to sleep. I was awake and watching Morning Joe, and was so excited to see that Morning Joe is Joeless, that I was still away at 7. Then just as I drifted off, Roscoe's mom when to work and at 9 he was whimpering loudly at my door. And once my body is out of bed, it's hard to slip black into sleep. I may give myself a chemical lobotomy and take a very long nap this afternoon.
What a post! Art, awards, the French Revolution, just desserts for our current criminal regime and then an idea to hang around Amsterdam.
The art is how you live every day, Utah. Keep up the excellent writing, my friend.
I love how your joy, your generosity and your spirit emerge further and further on this blog! It reminds me of the mandala- lovely and always implying something beautiful coming forth.
Art for Utah.
i really like that picture....
Oh how I'd like to see those two heads roll.
Actually once Bush/Cheney are out of office I expect the dam to break on whistle blowers wanting to expose the slime that administration generated.
Stella, Is that for me? And where did it come from? It's gorgeous.
Dcup, you get more beautiful everyday. But you generosity of spirit is the light that makes your skin glow and your eyes twinkle
Franiam, my dear, It thrills me to see you here. I so love your voice. I thought I had worked in more professions/jobs than anyone on earth. But after reading your post today, I realize I was wrong.
Ghost, where've you been? I went looking for you yesterday and realized you were elsewhere. So mystery man, where've you been?
Utah AND Ghost Dansing, it's a picture from Roger Dean, who created almost ever Yes album cover in their almost 40-year history.
Here's his website: He's great with architecture. I want to live in the house he designed.
Glad you both liked his artwork.
See what I mean? What a great riff on art and revolution. You are one helluva good writer.
BB is right. Sy Hersh is already planning to hire extra staff just to take the testimony of the Pentagon staffers.
Oh yeah! Thanks for good news. I'm either getting the flu or the first symptoms of a depression. I ache all over and can't quite clear my head--as in think. My fingers feel like lead weights. But good news like that just might make me feel better.
I can't wait to see what the next round of lunatics do? The ante keeps on being upped.
I'm curious to see if Bush will pre-emptively pardon Cheney and his cronies before he leaves the office he "won" (the same way Columbus "discovered" America). I certainly hope not.
BYF, how nice to have you weight in on this. I think that would make for an interesting constitutional court case for future generations to marvel over.
hey, sistah....more music today over at my house...:)
Soon I will start passing this gorgeous piece of art around. But I want to hang on to it one more day. I know it's a heart mandala, and hanging on to something is not exactly in keeping with the idea of opening up that heart chakra. But it may take a very long time for my heart chakra to open even a tiny bit. I may need to have an intervention to stop living entirely in my head.
It amazes me that those with extraordinary artistic gifts so seldom see themselves as the enormous talents they in fact are.
So very true!
Hi Utah, Thanks for calling by my bog. I've got the two, both newish, I was a bit surprised to see a comment on the 'brand new' one.
I look forward to checking in and reading your posts when I get the chance.
Take care
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