There are two more pair, and I will soon be modeling them for you. I tried to photograph all three pair on a dark green velvet scarf, but my hands shake due to bipolar meds. I would need a tripod to take a photo that isn't blurred at such close range, so I am forced to let my computer do the work for me. It is interesting to me what the direction and source of light does to the color of flesh.
Ms. L of SaoirseDaily2 fame is a very talented jewelry maker and does a great job choosing the right earrings for a particular woman. I have been wearing this pair all afternoon. My hair is a fairly simple bob and an earring that doesn't dangle a bit is invisible.
Thank you Saoirse darling. I love my new earnings and will step up my wardrobe so I can justify the lovely bit of glamour hanging from my earlobes. You are a dear. And I just might be a bit less savage, looking so civilized.
how does one get her earrings? I looked on her blog but can't find anything...
be sure you post a pic of you wearing them....one of these days I'll have to post a pic of my new body art
I left her a comment on a blog post asking her exactly that. How can I get some of your earrings? She emailed me and we were on. I left it up to her as to the earrings she designed for me. I prefer silver to gold, so two of my earrings have silver as well as some very interesting beads. One pair is mostly gold and I'm now in possession of a present to give some lucky woman during the dreaded holidays.
Gorgeous! I can't believe you've written 61 chapters of Maggy. Only the most prodigious reader could keep up with you.
Good god, could that be possible? 61? I may need to redo the chapter list, combine a few? That is too long.
I found that getting rid of the loincloth helps with the civilization process.
Oh no, not the loincloth!
Linda, what are you doing holding out on photos of your new body art? I have yet to see you "old" body art.
You know with those earrings and that wonderful hair bob, you look like you stepped out of my era -- the Roaring '20's Flapper Era!
And I wanna know how you keep your lovely neck so wrinkle-free? What kind of unholy alliance have you made with the devil? Not fair!
Neck like a swan.
You should the portrait in the corner. That broad is really scarily old. And her neck...
Oh my god Stella, I counted 57 chapter and even that's that's too many. I must needs do another combining of chapters. More cutting. How can I get a page count on blogger?
pretty earrings dear, and a lovely neck as well ;)
Utah, I wouldn't worry about the 57 chapters. Make "Maggy" a two-volume set. Please don't drop one precious word of your writing.
I don't think you can do a page count on blogger. You may need to cut and paste each chapter in a Word document. Try this:
* On the web page, highlight the text you want to copy.
* Type Ctrl+C (copy)
* Go into a Word doc and type Ctrl+V (paste)
* Type Ctrl+Enter in the Word doc to add a page break
* Repeat until done
Honestly, it won't take long and then you'll have your entire book in a Word document, which you can spell and grammar check, move words around, etc.
Here's the fancy route
Insert an existing Word document into a master document
* Open the master document and click Outline on the View menu.
* If the subdocuments are collapsed, click Expand Subdocuments on the Outlining toolbar.
Click where you want to add the existing document.
* Make sure to click a blank line between existing subdocuments.
* On the Outlining toolbar, click Insert Subdocument .
* In the File name box, enter the name of the document you want to add, and then click Open.
Microsoft Word inserts a next page section break before the subdocument and a continuous section break after it.
This is the best way to go.
Stella, I got lost about half way through that lesson. I transfered all of this from Word to Scrivener where I worked on it for awhile. Then I started blogging and started writing stories and editing chapter and pretty soon the whole thing was on the blog. I suppose the smart thing to do is transfer it back to Scrivener. I know how to do the command A, com-C, Com V thingy so I should be able to get it back that way. This is looking a bit like the cluster fuck to the publisher. If only my Scrivener program was really a publisher. I WANT TO PUBLISH THIS BOOK!
Gorgeous! And you look fabulous.
I just got back from the grocery store wearing my new earrings where I got two compliments on my lobe jewels. That sounds a lot nastier than earrings, doesn't it?
The earrings are very elegant and suit your style so well they must have been made for you. What? You mean they were? Cool.
The heart mandala suits your blog too. Interesting thing about getting older is that the lower chakras just seem to wither away on their own :-0
So Susan, that leaves me with the head chakra and the heart chakra. I'm hanging onto the Heart Chakra way too long. If I had any heart at all I'd pass it around. But I have long known that I am merely a brain with largish breasts. Not that I'm all that smart, but that I live in my head. Unless Tengrain stops by and takes my breath away for a moment and scares me a little and then he's gone, and I climb out of my nether parts and back into my head, completely bypassing the heart entirely. There is a permanent detour around my heart. So I hang onto the Heart Chakra hoping it will open me up a little. It probably doesn't' work that way. Can't keep it unless you give it away is probably more like it.
Good morning, Utah. It's a pretty morning here in one of those in between times when we've been given our instructions (orders?) about how to celebrate.. and to plan our shopping. Hah. I thought to share this article for your amusement. The idea of a super-duper cat brain running the world seemed to be another of those not well thought out plans, although I suppose it might be an improvement over the rat brains we've had recently.
Hearts are supposed to be more wise than the rational intellect but we've been conditioned to value the one well above the other. I struggle too which is probably the reason behind my need to make things, art in whatever form, to feel a connection to something larger and more subtle than what we're told to see. I feel there's a change moving through our existence as we make unexpected diversions toward what's best in ourselves through opening our hearts to the essential nature of one another. Perhaps that's where your love of Tengrain comes into your frame and into his too. The physical world becomes a ludicrous concept when we're told a cat brain could run things better - a proposition our hearts refuse to believe.
Neither your heart nor mine (or anyone's) has detour signs so much as some protective barriers. Keep well.
Susan, I'm in love with you too.
shit. your readers send you GIFTS?! I must be a crappy blogger.
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