I have been given two awards by the very lovely blogger known as Liquid Illusion. One is called the UBER AMAZING BLOG!!! Woo Woo! Darling, you are too sweet. I love you, too. And the other is the I Love Your Blog award . And I really really do.
And with all gifts they must be shared to be enjoyed. So to these five bloggers I bestow these awards on you:
Dcup, the one the only woman with a tinfoil bra and a picture to prove it.
Randal, because he's so sweet and snarky. Yummm.
Beach, who has the writer's soul. I dare you to start twittering.
Diva, because she is the Diva, and I want to be her Big Chief Justice.
Florence Joe, Oh Sorry, Freida Bee, because, well, you know. If you don't you should.