To breathe and not to stay indoors to wear a mask
And feel the fool, that crazy woman
Wears a doctor's mask and wonders
Why does that mother take her baby out
To stroll within the shallow stroller
14 degrees Fahreheit, windchill 6? She walks
Without hurry, in deliberation, without expression, in air
Too toxic to breathe. We're having an inversion
(The baby's face is pale blue in the weak light)
She looks depressed
Like the rest of us.
Even on a good day, early spring, full sun
I'd rather keep out of sight,
Where once I was a curiosity
Always in the garden with an old dog
Lying in the sun, ears pivoting like
Periscope, sentry, even dreaming
Children like me. So do dogs
©2010 Peggy Pendleton
Midday Palate Cleanser
1 hour ago